▷ How much will they pay you if you work this May 1 in Mexico 2024? This is what the Central Labor Act says You pay double or triple | composition

How much should I be paid if I work on May 1? On this date we commemorate labor day Due to resistances in Chicago, USA, in 1886. Also, according to the Federal Labor Act (LFT) it is a compulsory rest day and if your employer asks you to work on that day, the payment will be different.

On this date of revenge, mobilization and marches are organized to demand labor and social rights of all workers worldwide. Improvements in working conditions. On this day, banks and schools will not offer service and businesses will operate as normal.

Being May 1 An official rest day in the calendar Mexico He establishes that All workers, regardless of the day of the week on which it occurs, must collect their respective salary if they go to their place of work as established in Section 74 of the LFT.

How much should they pay you to work on May 1?

According to Articles 74 and 75 of the LFT, workers providing services on this day shall receive compensation equal to double their regular daily salary, regardless of the wages associated with compulsory rest:

  • daily wage
  • Double pay for working on compulsory rest day.

If you are going to do this job May 1, 2024, make sure your next receipt includes your payment. For example, if the minimum daily wage is $248.93You will get the total $746.79But if you live in a Northern Borderless ZoneMinimum daily wage $374.89 They have to pay you $1,124.67.

According to the law, if Compulsory rest day matches Sunday, the employer is obliged to pay a Sunday bonus of 25% of the normal salary. This measure not only promotes respect for weekly rest, but also protects employees' work well-being.

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Labor Day is a mandatory day of rest in Mexico, although those who work on that date receive extra pay | Photo: freepik.es

What if I don't get paid by May 1?

Workers employed in the are not paid double wages May 1They have the will to go Federal Attorney for Labor Protection (PROFEDET) Through their contact numbers: 800 911 7877 and 800 717 2942 for entire Republic.

The company is responsible for providing legal advice and resolving the conflict in the relevant court. To ensure that Companies In compliance with the obligation to pay their employees according to the law for working on holidays.

Paying double or triple on vacation?

It indicates Article 75 of Federal Labor Law: “In the cases of the preceding article, the workers and the employers shall determine the number of workers to provide their services. If no agreement is reached, the permanent conciliation board or, failing that, the conciliation and arbitration shall decide. “The workers shall be obliged to provide the services and shall have the right to pay them, a salary equivalent to them for compulsory retirement. , double salary for service rendered.”

What if they force me to work 12 hours a day?

As stated therein Articles 5 Sections II and II, 58, 60, 61, 67 and 68 Federal Labor LawMaximum established working days 8 hours, Seven and a half hours And 7 hours for that Day, Mixed and Night Shifts, respectively. If the day goes on, they have to pay you overtime.

What are the mandatory holidays in 2024?

In Mexico, the vacation or holiday considered Forced retirement For workers, established Section 74 of the Federal Labor Act. These days commemorate important historical and civic events of the country. Below is the official list of holidays in Mexico:

  • January 1: New year.
  • First Monday of February: Remember February 5Mexican Constitution Proclamation Day.
  • Third Monday in March: Remember March 21Birth of Benito Juarez.
  • May 1: labor day
  • September 16: Mexico's Independence Day.
  • Third Monday in November: Remember November 20Mexican Revolution Day.
  • October 1 every six years: Reminisce Transfer of federal executive power.
  • December 25: Christmas.
  • Election Days: Days of installation Federal and local election laws To realize Ordinary elections.
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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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