186 Bz companies acquire among the largest thousand companies

Not only was the recovery last year due to GDP expansion, Colombian companies produced more, nearly doubling the growth of the overall economy and reaching, in their consolidated numbers, higher numbers than those presented in 2019, before the pandemic. Event.

Yesterday, the Corporate Control Authority delivered a report of the 1000 largest companies in the country, which lists the ranking of the national companies with the highest incomes last year. In the pool, these companies generated $908 billion, 30.3% more than the largest 1,000 companies in 2020, and generated $98 billion in profits.

The number one company in the country continued to be Ecopetrol SA, the state oil company, which has a wide advantage over any other company in the country, as its revenues set the not-so-negligible amount of $84.9 billion, which is an increase of 78, 3% over the 2020 result. , and profits of $ 16.6 billion, two records in the history of the company and the state, which allowed it to generate historical profits, approved last week, with a total of $ 448 per share. The results were clearly driven by the recovery in crude oil prices.

“It is thanks to the effort, perseverance and commitment to process safety of all the employees of the Ecopetrol Group, who make the impossible possible that has allowed us to achieve strong and resilient operational performance for all sectors, as well as as a distinct commercial management to achieve better differentials of crude oil and products,” explained Felipe Payon, President of Ecopetrol.

Terpel SA ranked second, with an operating income of $17 billion, with a profit of $375,721 million, and it is worth noting that in 2020 Terpel ordered $39,738 million. In the last measurement, this company took third place on the podium.

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The company that hit the table and rocked the top spots was the Cartagena Refinery SAS (Reficar), which went from sixth to third place, with revenues of $15.50 billion, and despite this operating result its losses were $371,779 million, which, if good, continues to that. Given a balance in the red, it was less than the $1.48 billion it lost in 2020.

Comunicación Celular SA (Claro) took fourth place, which fell from second place. It had $14.64 billion in revenue and $1.99 billion in profit.

Paisa companies took the next two places: Almacenes Éxito took fifth place, with revenues of $13 billion and profits of $474,681 million, although both results were higher than those recorded in 2020, they fell by one place. It was followed by EPM, whose revenue fell by 12.8 billion COP and profits by 3.36 billion COP, which fell one position.

regional performance

In total, the report by Supersociedades talks about the first 1,000 companies in the country and within a month the next 9,000 reports will be delivered for a complete overview of business performance.

According to Pele Escobar Perez, Corporate Supervisor, “The results of this report confirm that the measures taken by the national government allowed the largest 1,000 companies to maintain the level of solvency and financial leverage between 2020 and 2021.”

According to economic information reported by the business sector, nominal GDP grew by 17.8% in 2021, which led to improved corporate profitability, along with an increase in profits, which, according to Escobar, “demonstrates the resilience of Colombian business and the positive impact of this. Strategies Approved economic revitalization.

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On the other hand, the central tendency of the commercial fabric is still crafts: the main home of companies with the largest income is still Bogotá – Cundinamarca, which includes 533 of the largest 1000 companies, the second is Antioquia (186), followed by the Pacific Coast (111), the Ocean Coast The Atlantic (84), the Middle East (43), the coffee region (31) and the rest of the country (12).

The Pisa companies improved their performance, adding three new companies to the list. The 186 Antioquia companies included in the ranking generated revenue of 147 billion pesos, an increase of $29.5 billion from 2020, when the country was hit hard by the pandemic.

After the Almacenes Éxito and EPM, the only countries in the top ten, appear: in eleventh place, EPS Sura, which climbs two positions; Isagén, who went from 31st to 35th place; UNE EPM communications, which decreased from Box 41 to 47; And the electrical connection – ISA, which has moved from mode 41 to 46.

Among the Antioquian companies, the good performance of Gaseosas Lux was also highlighted, taking the 206th place and rising to 74, with revenues exceeding $2 billion; And Unibán, which went from block 203 to 77, benefited from $1.8 billion in operating income in 2021.

The Bogota-Cundinamarca region added 5 more companies to the rankings and the Atlantic Coast added 2 companies, while 15 Pacific Coast companies exited, possibly due to the effects of the national strike in that region.


Myrtle Frost

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