The Secretariat for Social Housing and Habitat presented, before the Planning and Land Commission of the Municipal Council of Santiago de Cali, Draft Agreement No. 156 entitled “According to which a declaration is made for reasons of public benefit and other provisions”
The main objective of the quotation was to make clear the announcement of the existence of twenty-five (25) properties of 30,8137 thousand square meters which will develop two (2) significant projects for Cali, the comprehensive Cristo Rey project of 270,956 square meters and the First Progressive Housing Project or Self-built with an area of 37,781 m 2 east of the city.
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We have proposed the management of 40 hectares of land that has been enabled for the development of housing and housing projects, which is part of the “Housing Dignity” programme. This indicator contains two variables: managed land for the construction of VIP and VIS housing, and the managed land variable for the implementation of habitat projects, referring to SDG 11 indicators,” said Martha Liliana Hernandez, Minister of Housing.
The Comprehensive Cristo Rey Project seeks to directly impact four underdeveloped human settlements under the overall policy of comprehensive habitat improvement, while the first progressive housing project seeks to promote self-construction on their land.
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The organization claims its commitment to manage alternative mechanisms that can provide adequate housing for vulnerable families to obtain new or used adequate housing.
Board members Terry Hurtado Gomez, Harvey Moqueira, Roberto Rodriguez Samudio and Alexandra Hernandez Cedeno, as speaker coordinator, attended the board.
Minister of Communications for Housing
Number of visits to this page 33
Publication date 07/28/2022
Last modified on 07/28/2022