5 applications to translate and translate audios or conversations

From audio to text, there are many tools that allow you to translate and translate in real time (shutterstock)
From audio to text, there are many tools that allow you to translate and translate in real time (shutterstock)

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for many technology companies today are evolving to translate and / or translate audio and speech in real time. The recommendation is always the same: for best results, record where there is little or no ambient sound. Here are some tools for translating and translating, for example, WhatsApp audios and MP3, WAV or other formats for a few face-to-face encounters.

Team transcription

Team Transcript, a new application for iOS that translates and translates small-person conversations into face-to-face encounters.
Team Transcript, a new application for iOS that translates and translates small-person conversations into face-to-face encounters.

This is a new application created Microsoft For iOS Allows you to translate and translate group conversations. In other words, you can text multiple conversations and translate them into more than 80 languages.

So far this is a test development that will show improvements in AI. Task meetings are aimed at people who need to take notes, while participating. Also, people Deafness.

Team Transcript is a Microsoft product Garage, The section focused on experimental applications such as sketchball or journal. The iOS application not only makes an accurate transcription with the help of AI, but also does real-time translation.

The new app is now available worldwide for iOS, and will provide the option to invite more meeting users to translate or translate together. To do so, they need to scan the QR code to join the discussion. Languages ​​you can translate include English, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese.

At the end of the meeting the transcripts will be stored on the device. The tool is designed for face-to-face encounters and uses Microsoft AI with Azure speech service, a technology that can recognize the conversation of a small group of people in a room. It is important to know that reducing ambient noise and avoiding other noises enhances transcription, and for this purpose as well.

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Google Translator

Google Translator.
Google Translator.

A செந்தரம், One of its Google tools that has brought interesting updates in recent years, improvements that can be seen in its AI. You can translate words or phrases, and you have the option of transcribing.

To use this last option, touch the icon when you open the app Transcription Choose which language you will listen to and which language you want to translate. You may have copied them in the same language. At the moment, the functionality supports Spanish, English, French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, Russian and Thai.


This is basically a website that allows Order the texts to copy them. In this case There is no translation for it. This is very easy when opening the interface, the line is copied with the lines on a folder sheet. It also allows you to change the format of the transcribed text, adding punctuation, for example, from there. It also offers options Save, print or tweet the text.

Transcriber for WhatsApp

As its name implies, it is an application used to copy audio from a news service. To use this, it must be installed as a separate WhatsApp application (not an official application). When you need to select the voice message and select the Share button, the option to do so with Transcriber for WhatsApp will appear. This is an exclusive app for Android (a similar alternative to the iPhone)Audio for text for WhatsApp).

Bear file converter

Bear file converter
Bear file converter

In this case, it is another platform used to translate MP3 audio to text. Its design is not really intuitive, but it serves that purpose. It does not support voice command, but recorded audios. Although the results are not 100% effective, it can be very helpful. The website also supports WAV, MWV and OGG formats, with a maximum of 3MB files.

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Misty Tate

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