“911 chief Randolfo Rijo to be interim director of intranet” | Daily list

President Luis Abinador has placed the director of the National Transport and Land Transportation Agency (INTRAN) on unpaid leave, Hugo Peras, and hired Army Colonel Randolfo Rijo on an interim basis.

Rijo, who is also executive director of the National 9-1-1 Emergency and Safety Assistance Agency, will serve in an “honorary capacity” for which he will not receive additional compensation.

The government provision is contained in Decree 578-23, signed by the President on November 12.

Last Thursday, Peras asked the president for unpaid leave because of new information about the process of implementing the Greater Santo Domingo traffic light system.

In his request, the Director of Intranet said, “The latest information provided by the media directs me to the Directorate of Public Procurement and Contracts in order to facilitate this entire investigation process, so “I have decided to take leave. I have informed President Louis Abinader of his absence without pay.

He pointed out that before the license request, he had deposited with the Directorate General of Public Procurement (DGCP) in which he is seeking the cancellation of the request for variation of the precautionary measure deposited with the body on December 3 this month. .

“We join all the steps taken by the competent bodies to clarify the authenticity of the documents in question, and then, if the assumptions are proven, the body will be surprised at the good faith presented in everything.” provider,” he said.

See also  Abinadar withdrew 350 police officers, including 62 colonels

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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