“This is not the moment,” he said

Amid rising positives and hospitalizations for Govt-19 in Puerto Rico, Governor Pedro Pierrelucci ruled out the possibility of returning to the curfew order this afternoon as a precautionary measure against the virus.

“Forget the curfew order, it’s another step in managing the epidemic. I do not want to control the hours, I do not want to control the capacity,” Pearlusi told a news conference when announcing a new executive order.

The governor focuses on the need for the vaccine to access different services or go to work. For example, health care workers and public servants must be vaccinated or submit to a negative test for COVID-19 each week.

On flexibility, Pierre Lucy pointed out that “this is not wrong” because “what is happening is the result of delta variation, something that is happening now, it’s happening in other countries.”

He asked restaurants and bars to vaccinate customers at the entrances of companies.

Pierre Lucy insisted that he was allowing the hospital to take the steps it was allowed to take, not positively, that at the moment “hospitals are under control.”

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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