Possible alignment of America vs Lyon in Liga MX

United States He is ready to host one of the most complex matches for him in the regular phase of this Saturday night’s tournament. Scream Mexico Opening 2021 In the so-called day fit MX League By facing the first two places in the general category directly in a direct fight.

For this comparison, The Blue cream They worked unfinished for most of the week. And it is in addition to injury Sebastian Caesars And Indefinite withdrawal of Renato Ibra, Players who attended Game of the Stars In Los Angeles, California, they were not reported until and until Thursday afternoon Guillermo Ochoa, Who did in Copa on Friday morning.

Despite that, Santiago Solari You can use the aforementioned archer, as well as sAlvador Rice, George Sanchez And Pedro AquinoWho traveled to the territory of Guanajuato to be the unifying waiter to make the appointment at New camp, Complex territory for American purpose.

It is noteworthy that in these matches, practically all players on the first team played against rotations. Indesito Implemented to measure workload due to busy schedule. In fact, this is the first long weekend job since the beginning of August.

In such a way, United States Lyon will present the following structure in court: Guillermo Ochoa In the bow; Array of four guards consisting of Jorge Sanchez, Bruno Valdes, Emanuel Aguilera And Louis Fuentes; In the middle Pedro Aquino When, control Richard Sanchez And Alvaro Fidelco They work internally; Sebastian Cordova, Roger Martinez And Salvador Rice They will complete the early American formation.

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Wilmot Chandler

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