If they take me prisoner, I am the one who will call me to the street

Cuban Record Hidalco in Yom Not slow to respond to prison requests Official journalist Arlene Rodriguez promises to be there For the artist for the theme and video clip I am from Cuba.

“These communist journalists constantly underestimate the feelings of the people. Do whatever you want with me. Enough threats. I’m at home. When they take me to jail, I’m the caller to the street.

“Goz … I know that one can not work peacefully. There are still threats from the people of Cuba, people who do not care about the lives of those who have suffered the most. And be patient here,” he said in another tweet.

“They do nothing, people are with you, it is not a crime to express oneself”; “If you call, you are within your rights. Even if they end human rights in Cuba. We support you”; “In Fort Yome, we will not let anything happen to you … We want freedom of expression … The heroes of that video are not theirs, they belong to all Cubans”; “Why do you think they (the Communists) were surprised on July 11? Because they always underestimate the people, believe me we are the majority who want change in Cuba”; Some of the artist’s disciples commented, “Yom was arrested and people are going to the streets, to live to see, let them put a rope around their necks.”

Official journalist Arlene Rodriguez Derivet said on the show “Sabanto Pagito” on Radio Rebel that the Cuban regatta “was imprisoned” for the video of his song. I am from Cuba, In which he uses animated images of Cuban martyrs and symbols of all time.

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“Let them look at the networks, they are really asking for prison. The networks are so hot for Cuba (…) for this crime. I can say that from a song, I’m rude. He promised to give more information about the case soon.

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