Currently popular Netflix series “Squid game“It has become one of the most watched projects on stage, which is why she is a singer and actress Talia It could not go unnoticed, so I felt the need to “play”, although the results were not what I expected.
He was through an entertaining video as usual Talia In your account Tic Tac Toe Translator of “Amore a la Mexicana” participated in one of the most popular games of the series.
If you have already watched the 9-episode series in its first season, you will remember that there were 6 games in this game that participants had to go through, and the winner would take home a millionaire sum.
In Chapter 3, entitled “The Man with the Umbrella”, participants had to select an image in front of the game room that would be an image of candy to be taken from a popular candy in Korea.
What was sweet in the game of squid?
This dessert is called “talcona candy, which is known in South Korea to be made of sugar with a mixture of bicarbonate.
From the series, several videos began to emerge with the recipe and its preparation, which is nothing more than melting sugar, and once this is done sodium bicarbonate changes its structure and becomes a little rough as soon as it becomes solid when removed from where it is.
Usually it is marked with cookie cutters and then when it is fully solidified it should be “chopped” with a needle to get the shape with the right shape.
The singer did the same Talia With a circle, but she could not do it, so she had to be “expelled” like the game.
Click here If you want to watch the video.
The videos on Tommy Mottola’s beautiful wife Dictok are usually very interesting, which is why she is well known today for her creativity and ingenuity.
This video was released 21 hours ago and already has over 42,000 hearts, which has been translated in addition to 524 comments on Dictac, which has been shared more than 260 times.
Talia currently has over 9.4 million followers on DickTock, her content is so cute and funny that over time she gets more followers and of course she wants to surpass Erica Funeral.