The show’s eyes were fixed Mexico, Precisely, in reality Telemundo This is how you dance, The sixth gala of the competition started from 8:00 pm (Peruvian time) excited the Latin audience. There was a special guest of international status for this presentation: Urban Singer Manuel Turiso. It is reminiscent of the events of the last show.
Not to mention the last ceremony, Kimberly Loisa and Jedi Bandoza were saved from elimination; However, luck was not on the couple’s side Recordan singer tested positive for COVID-19He left his participation in the reality of Telemundo elliptical.
Live: Follows the first scene of Así se baila in Telemundo
The chapter is over! This is how you had a hard day dancing and found a lot of talent. The couple has appealed to the judges, so everything is left to the referendum. Photo: This is how you dance
The third pair of arbitrators stood up and applauded them. “You’re the couple of the night,” one judge said. Dressed in red, Samadi and Adriano both enjoyed dancing the historic salsa “Lorras”.
The second pair, who appeared after Sandra and Adrian, were surprised on the track. They both combined pink and white dresses. Photo: This is how you dance.
Fascinating start. Last week the gold couple, Sandra Itsel and Adrian de Monte, They were drawn in by the criticism of the arbitral tribunal. One of the judges told them: “They will be, almost until the end of the match.” They danced to the song “Dodo TD”. Photo: This is how you dance.
Second round with Turiso
Before the start of the second round and before the three pairs confronted each other, Manuel Tourizo sang his latest single, “I Love You You”. The hit currently has 5,140,367 views on YouTube. Photo: This is how you dance.
The arbitral tribunal selected two pairs to face the Golden Pair. Selected twins are Elipher and Polo, and Samadi and Adriano. Photo: This is how you dance.
Soon, singer Manuel Turisso will sing his latest song. Colombians look at the collection of Ass Say Pila. Photo: This is how you dance.
Obi Permates and Jennifer Pena are remarrying!
Surprise at Asi Se Pila. After a hot meringue dance, Obi Permates knelt on the esplanade of the stage and proposed again to Jennifer Pena. The arbitral tribunal and the public moved after the merger was reaffirmed 14 years later. Photo: This is how you dance.
The first show of the Mexican Telemundo Tournament, hosted by actress Jackie Prague Monte and journalist Carlos Adien, took place on September 12. At the ceremony, 20 celebrities, who compete weekly, presented the trophy in pairs, showing off their artistic ability to take home the $ 200,000 prize. Photo: Twitter Telemundo Realities.
How was the previous chapter?
In the fifth season, thanks to the mass votes of their fans, the pair became Jedi Bandoza and Kimberly Loysa stayed in the dance competition and saved themselves from elimination.
Juan de Dios Pandoza contracted Govit-19 infection
Through live on social media, Kimberly Loisa confirmed that her husband, Juan de Dios Pandoza, had tested positive for COVID-19. Even if affected, the influencer will not comply with the isolation. In his Instagram stories, he did not wear a mask and did not comply with health measures.
This is how you dance
Who are the couples in Aceh Pila?
Four celebrities in the current gala are fighting for the penalty to be in the competition; However, there are seven pairs in the competition:
- Adrian de Monte and Sandra Itsel
- David Sokaro and Carolina Larson
- Elipher Torres and Polo Monares
- Jennifer Bena and Obi Permates
- Laura Flores and Gabriel Borros
- Lorenzo Mundes and Jessica Thias
- Samadhi Gentajas and Adriano Gentajas
How to vote for my favorite couple in Aussie Pila?
For Vote for your favorite participants in Asi Pila, You can follow the steps below:
- Enter the following link:íseBaila
- Click the button Vote In the upper left
- Click on the photo of the couple you want to vote for.
Remember to vote Only for people living in the United States, So you can not vote if you are not in this country. The message will appear: “Sorry. Así se Baila Polling is not available in your area. “
What time does the Aussie Bila start?
The True Así se baila is broadcast every Sunday at 8:00 pm on the Telemundo channel according to Peruvian Sunday and Mexican time, which varies in signal according to different streaming services.
Next we will show you the tables you can see This is how you dance From other countries:
- Chile: 10:00 pm
- Peru and Colombia: 8:00 p.m.
- Argentina: 10:00 pm
- USA: 9:00 p.m.
This is how you dance
On which channel does Así se baila appear?
Competition You can watch the dance from the Telemundo channel, Aired on the same Aztec channel. Similarly, there is also the option to view the program on the streaming platform NBC.
How to watch Telemundo live?
If you do not have a nearby body television or streaming service to watch international channels such as Telemundo, you can watch any show on that channel directly through its website Telemundo Now.
On which channel will Telemundo appear on Megacop?
If you have a megacable, you can enjoy this gala This is how you dance With Channel 214 (SD) and 1214 (HD), don’t miss the reality either.
How to see Telemundo in Total Play?
If you have access to the Total Play operating system, you can access Telemundo’s Asce Bila program through Channel 277.
How to see Telemundo on Izzi?
You can enjoy it through the Izzi app Live Reality show by Channel 205.
How do you see yourself dancing live like this?
You can follow the gala one minute at a time Republic shows.