Inauguration of the “2021 Science and Technology Meeting” at the UA de C

This Monday, the Autonomous University of Coahuila, through the Research and Graduate Department, inaugurated the activities of the “2021 Science and Technology Meeting”, which will take place from November 29 to December 1, through Microsoft Teams and through the Facebook pages: @UniversidadAutonomadeCoahuilaOficial and @investigacionyposgradoUAdeC.

The opening ceremony was attended by the rector of the highest house of studies, Salvador Hernández Vélez, the director of Research and Graduate Studies, Cristóbal Noé Aguilar Hernández, the deputy director of Graduate Studies of the DIP, José Luis Martínez, officials of the Central Administration, as well as students and researchers and the general public, who were connected remotely.

In his message, the Rector welcomed those present of the virtual transmission of the 2021 Science and Technology Meeting, an event that he said has been consolidated in recent years and whose main objective is to generate a space for dialogue and analysis of the work science, technology and innovation, as well as the presentation and discussion of research results.

Hernández Vélez, pointed out that the initiative identifies and strengthens the areas of interest in research to promote multidisciplinary collaboration groups that contribute to the different National Strategic Programs (PRONACES) of CONACYT, this in order to provide solutions to national problems , state and regional.

“This Meeting reaffirms the commitment that the University has with its scientific and academic community, despite the difficulties we have had from the pandemic, economic restrictions and the distance between the Academic Units of our highest house of studies,” he commented the rector Salvador Hernández.

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In this sense, the director of Research and Graduate Studies of the UA de C, Cristóbal Noé Aguilar Hernández, highlighted that ECyT 2021 is one of the most important forums within the University, to discuss new trends and advances in science and technology in the region oriented to the guidelines of the State Development Plan of Coahuila, PRONACES and the Special Program of Science and Technology and Innovation 2021-2024 of CONACYT.

Likewise, Aguilar Hernández mentioned that the event shows the institutional commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which he said are recognized as the appropriate mechanisms that will allow the world population and its leaders to participate in jointly in the search for social consensus and the reduction of the gaps for the construction of a better society and quality of life.

For his part, the Deputy Director of Graduate Studies of the DIP, José Luis Martínez, commented on the progress that has been made in the UA de C in postgraduate matters, for which he reported on the policies for internal improvement of quality and increase in the educational offer, the updating of the General Graduate Regulations, as well as the consolidation of this substantive area in institutional and digital platforms.

As part of the activities of the Meeting, the keynote address “Present and future of postgraduate courses in Mexico” was presented by the CONACYT Postgraduate Director, Antonio Saldívar Moreno, who explained to the participants the main guidelines and policies that seek to strengthen the science and technology at the national level, such as the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC).

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“Within 30 years of its creation, the PNPC is currently in transition towards a National Postgraduate System (SNP), this in order to reorient training and research in postgraduate programs supported by CONACYT with a greater social relevance and incidence of collaboration with all sectors of society ”, explained Dr. Antonio Saldívar.

The activities of the Science and Technology Meeting in its 2021 edition (ECyT 2021) continue on November 30 and December 1 with more conferences, discussion tables, workshops, presentation and poster contest, all of them aimed at researchers and students of postgraduate.

To consult the full program of the event, enter the web portal and go to the section “Science and Technology Meeting 2021 Edition” or click on the following link:, visit the Facebook page: “Research and Postgraduate UAdeC”.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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