WhatsApp, Meta’s messaging application, has more than 2,000 million users according to figures from the company itself. mark zuckerberg. Despite its wide popularity, the platform is not without problems, and many people sometimes suffer from the storage space that the application consumes, especially when downloading Photos Y videos automatically from each conversation. How to avoid it? Here we will show you an infallible trick that will allow you to have more control over the files of the app.
The majority of people who use WhatsApp not only talk with their contacts through individual chats, since the presence of groups has become one of the most common features of the platform, and it is almost a rule that many users have more than one active, of which they can receive many files daily.
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The problem is that if your settings allow files to be downloaded immediately, these groups can send you tens or even hundreds of media files in a single day. These can quickly fill the space of storage of your phone, especially if the most abundant are videos.
This dilemma is much more common in adults who are included in groups where network videos are shared. Whatever the case, here we will show you how disable auto download of images and videos, so that these are only downloaded when you decide.
How to prevent automatic downloading of photos and videos on WhatsApp?
The steps are very simple, although they vary a bit according to your platform. If you have a phone Android, you just have to follow this procedure:
- In WhatsApp, tap the three dots (⋮) icon located in the upper right corner
- see settings
- In the Storage and data section, look for the Automatic media download section
- Select the Download over Wi-Fi and Download over mobile data options
- Uncheck the box for photos and videos.
If you have a iPhone, follow these steps to disable automatic download.
- In WhatsApp, click on the gear icon (located in the bottom bar) to access the Settings section
- In the Storage and data section, go to the Automatic file download section
- Tap on photos/videos and choose between the options: never, Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi and mobile data.
That’s it. Remember that every time you want to see a video or photo that was sent to you by WhatsApp, you must now click on the message itself to start the download. Since the files will not be downloaded automatically, you will see that most of them are grayed out to indicate that they are not yet in your phone’s memory.