La Coalicin Concentrica reveals that there is no recommendation on the flexibility of mediators COVID-19

La Coaliciin Científica Revel in hoy, lunes, which are recommended by Gobernador Pedro Pierluisi Manterner Inland Interests COVID-19, almanos Duranto dos semanas adicionales, pero primer ejaculation no sigoiós recommended or anasciós viroes un flexibility restrictions.

“For the contents of the new communion, it is important to continue these moments of limitations. The Coalition’s recombination with these restrictions is very fast, with the limitations of movilid social and globalization, so it’s the only way to get the most out of Macarilla. It’s important that you implement this fiscalis in these mediums ”, Inform these lunes or group of centrifuges mediated in a communicative, referencia las medis, antes de ser flexibilizadas.

Pierluisi firmware virenes tres rdenis eecutivas que, entre otras cosas, flexi las restrictions horarios y limito aforo en comrcios. Espechementa la orden ejecutiva 007 de 2022, which entrá en vigor el miércoles, 2 febroro, elimin la la Seca y la restrictions alos comrcios, que establecía un cierre entre las 12:00 da medianoche la 5:00 madrugada.

Asimismo, with a capacity of 75% of espacious interiors in espacio interiors, finds in espacios exteriors restaurants no habro limit capacity. In the case of las bars and chinchillas, the limit is 50% of your capacitance.

Los commerce in los clients se mantienen utilis las mascarilla todo el timempo como supermercados, tiendas and pharmacians no tendrin restriction capacity. In the case of low teatros and cines, the maximum capacitance is 75%. The new media trend is the vigoncia on the 16th of February.

“El gobernador recibe las recommendations tanto del secretario de Salud, como la Coaliciin y de otros sekores. These decisions are always made to balance a balance, which reconciles with the mediocrity of this pandemia is imposing a satisfying todos. Como ha dicho, se mantiene vigilante a las estesticas para hacer cambios, si fueran necesarios ”, Expresses on the Declaration of the Secret of Priesthood in La Fortaleza, Sheila Angleró. “Riteramos is one of the most responsive and uniquely inspiring individuals in the world who are very passionate about their quizzes and who have the right to refuse to quote these aptos to recyclers”, ñAudió.

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Anterior is this new Orden, the first aforo en lugares interiors donce las individuals consumer comida beebidas era 50%, meanings in lugares exteriors era 75%. Asimismo, is the only place in the world where 75% of all interior Bibles are private or private, including centers of worship, centers, commercials, supermarkets, pharmaceuticals and similarities. Esas medidas tienen vigencia hasta maana.

La Coalicin Concentrica sugiere que mantengan medidas conservadoras This is a preview of armchair activist and bodyguard tips. The Coalician estimates that the esos niveles, the mantis of las medians are prevalent, in lax primes.

“The exhortamos a la población que no interprete la baja de casos como indicio qu que ya el repunte terminó. These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use in your business, including: by Lemuel Martínez, Infectologo.

Riteran evidencia sobre eficacia de la vacunación

In our vacuum, Martinez subray that “los datos muestran con claridad que la vacunas son efectivas lo mitigan los contagios, hospitalizaciones and muertes. For those vacancies that are effective, it is recommended that you do all the vacuums in the dining room, including the refurbishment ”.

En Puerto Rico has more than 500 people dating back to ómicron, but Coalician estimates that the hubies muerto case is a double docile nadie vacunado en archive. En ese sentido, la Coliciin enfatizi que han salvado cents de vidas solo en el pasado mes, gracias a la estrategia de vacunaciin.

“Reconocemos that s todas las peoples movie series vacuanaciin al daa, las muertes se hoobiesen reducido a menas di las observadas. This decor, which hemos perdido mi de trescientas vidas durante est repunte trogicamente porque no tos las han tenido la seri de vacunaciin completa ”, añadió Martínez.

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Por otro lado, aunque la probabilidad de que un nio ne fallezca por COVID-19 es baja, la Coalición record órnte este repunte hubo récord hospitalizoi nios poronavirus y sus efectos.

“It’s important to keep track of the dates with which Cloridad is included in the 5-11 year old, which serves as a series of vacuum vacancies, historically significant vacuum hospitalizations. Por su efectividad mitigar contagios entre nios -que pudiesen tener consensuscii largo plazo en ‘Long COVID’ o pudiesen dar paso which nios infectious mayors vulnerables- mitigar riesgo in hospital latest news in the new nios and exhortamos a los padres a que vacunen a sus hijos ”, manifested in the Coalicine.

Hasta ayer, creditor of a 61.9% (140,612) company with 5 or 11 aisles, is the prime dosis vacuum on Salud, the portal of Salud, an account holder of 5% with compatibility with the service counter.

Mindras, the creditor of a 38.2% (88,116) group at the dosage rate, is the author of the most informative vacuons on the prefabricated Rafael Irizarry, which is the lowest date of the database. Salud estimates that the number of men with 5 or 11 aisles is 227,000.

The Coalician has your own recommendations in the case of permanently verified cases, whereas you can detect and test the desirollo in BA.2 of ichmicron, and the comfort of the repository in the revision of the password in the format of the password. En sendido, the group of centrifuges and salubristas recommand precision.

“Entendemos, por tendo rices caso in Puerto Rico in the context of las restrictions, which reducci den mozilidad a las restrictions in favor of disminución disposici yn in por tonto, disminución in casos” Express Dr. Carmen Zorrilla.

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The psychiatrist and investigator reiterates the vacuum proteases of infections, hospitalizations and treatments. The author with los data shares in Coalición, la tasa de muerte de personas mayors 60 60 ies 15 mayor for one person no vacunada, que for one person vacuons with refuerzos. Enter adults 40-59 aos, this tasa de muerte es sobre 25 vees mayor for one person no vacunada, que for one person vacanu with refuerzos.

Los datos, coalición, muestran con claridad protections a niveles similares para hospitalizaciones and contagios, and who los protect protectors his mucho más dramáticos and eivivivivos cu cu cu la person person person series series series series series series por porid comple comple medad comple complead comple comple comple comple comple comple. Continue searching for vacuum console console dosis o refuerzo.

“These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use. with the names of the most recent casos, hospitalizations and muertes, and the new variants of the Poseidon pudies that affect the newest immunidad collectiva. Pero queermos enfatizar that tenemos todas las herramientas biomodicas and los conicimientos centifics in Puerto Rico for hacerle frendi this pandemia, inclusive in these incandidumbers. Ya llevamos casi dos aos, y como sociedad sabemos las estrategias de prevención necesarias ”, manifested by Dr. Daniel Colón Ramos, president of the coalicin.

“Tenemos is the capacitor of hazard pruebas, rastro, vigilance genomic, vacunaciin and tramontios biomedicos. Si bien toda pirdida de vida a roz de la pandemia es trogica, durante la pandemia, el uso de politicas bibles fundamentadas en ciencia ha salvado miles vidas. Continuer requests one of the most popular social networking sites, oriented continuously, socially, by using our own numerical capacitance and guessing strategies, as well as on our game’s homepage’s home game app. el que venga ”, sostuvo.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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