The Pavilion of the University of Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) at the exhibition “Madrid es Ciencia”what or what It will be held between 2 and 5 March in Ifema Madrid Within the framework of Education Week 3D Shows, Robot Racing and Games.
The event, which is free, “is designed as a comprehensive showcase of the R&D & i capabilities of the Community of Madrid to build a sustainable future, showing citizens, from a playful and participatory point of view, the answer that science, technology and innovation They can make for the challenges of the planet,” noted from the knowledge foundation madri + d, event coordinator.
Rey Juan Carlos University participates for an additional year in this meeting space between the scientific community and citizens with the aim of sharing knowledge and scientific and technological developments.
The URJC Pavilion will be open to the public on March 2 from 10am to 8pm. It will present activities on a variety of topics. “In this exhibition we want to record for the entire science community, in large letters, that this is taking place at our university. It is a wonderful display of the work that our scientists do every day,” said the Academic Director of the Unit for Scientific Culture and Innovation (UCC+I), Carmen Garcia Galeraaccording to URJC in a statement.
Among the activities, visitors will be able to learn through demonstrations made with 3D printers to demonstrate the potential of this technology, races for robots guided by LED lights or fun challenges through the “Data Science” board game.
In addition, several interactive workshops will be presented on how to create a self-contained garden, how to develop and control a robotic arm using low-cost tools, or how to gain knowledge about cybersecurity through play. Hold the flag.
Presentation of activities will be supplemented with other challenges from the field of advertising, to test attendees on their knowledge in advertising communication. Visitors will also be able to learn about the connections between the brain and the gut, visit archaeological digs through an exhibit and observe real samples of volcanic remains from the La Palma eruption.
The URJC’s participation in the exhibition “Madrid es Ciencia” It is coordinated by the Vice President for Research, through UCC+I, and collaborates with the six schools and colleges, as well as Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) – Ministry of Science and Innovation.