Three Latin American countries did not vote in the UN referendum on Russia International | News

There were 32 votes in favor and 13 votes against with 2 votes against. Members of the Human Rights Council supported an attempt to investigate whether Russia’s invasion of Ukraine had led to crimes against humanity. However, the referendum was not unanimous There was neglect or rejection by some countries.

The referendum was held at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. Most countries that voted negative or did not vote chose to avoid speaking. Of the current 47 members of the Council, Argentina is headed by Ambassador Federico Villegas. There were only two votes against prosecuting Putin and his soldiers: one was Russia and the other was Eritrea. The African country with Moscow’s key interests has been under the command of dictator Isos Afverki since 1991.


But in between Ignores If so: China, Armenia, Cameroon, Gabon, India, Kazakhstan, Namibia, Pakistan, Sudan and Uzbekistan. In addition, Latin Americans stand out from Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia.

China’s position is not new because it sought to maintain neutrality in the conflict. The Chinese delegation assured that it “always opposes the politicization of human rights issues” and stressed that the Commission could “increase tensions”.

Cuba has had a historic relationship with the Kremlin since the Fidel Castro-led revolution and, in the referendum, sided with Venezuela and Bolivia, which did not vote either.

Countries that supported the research initiative 32, And Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Ivory Coast, Finland, France, Gambia, Germany, Honduras, Indonesia, Japan, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mexico, Montenegro, Poland, Nepal, , Qatar, South Korea, Senegal, Somalia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States.

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Most importantly, Friday’s referendum will pave the way for the creation of an independent international commission of inquiry, a high-level inquiry ordered by the Council. “To investigate all alleged violations and abuses in the context of the occupation of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.” (I)

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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