Chris Rock He had already given some indications of his feelings after the slap Will Smith In the last installment OscarBut he promised not to reveal anything Until you get paid.
During a live show last Friday, Rock promised not to talk about what happened at the Oscars until he received financial compensation, which suggests that the comedian should pay someone to hold a special award. Palm Springs Desert Sun.Described any object Rock As the actor continues his national tour, he mentioned.
Behind that report, he and his agents may have already been contacted by various communications companies such as television, radio stations, newspapers, and newspapers, but they did not provide enough.
Another way, a little worse, to explain his point, he talks about the possibility of filing a. Civil case Against Smith.
One more option, this is a joke. The concept of Chris Rock I don’t know if I can take it as a joke, but looking at the context, the actor seems to be in a good mood.
The desert sun On his show, Rock shot and killed Hillary Clinton, Kardashians, Megan Markle and many other celebrities and politicians.
He is said to have ridiculed corporate ventures and diversity efforts, while at the same time talking about his family life, loneliness and culture that offends people.
Apparently Chris His tour, which began in the East America, is becoming more and more open, and he said he was “still implementing the coup.” Will Smith“.