Belinda He is one of the most beautiful and beloved Latin artists. That’s why his break with Christian Nodal has given him a lot to talk about. The Mexican regional singer continues to throw notes on social networks with the actress’ mother, and the controversy never ends.
The one who talked about it was the former Belinda, Lubillo Rivera: “It is the duty of a man to keep his mouth shut and move forward, that is what a man of duty does. Then someone says, if those women have spoken ill of me, I bless her: ‘God bless you, God will take care of you’, and God put everything on the table alone.
In the professional field, Belinda A better time passes. The Netflix series starring the Mexican “Welcome to Eden” was recently screened. It has been confirmed that this will be the second season on May 25, which is making its fans very worried.
In the last hours, Belinda Shared a photo to promote their collagen products. “Vonu contains ultralight serum containing collagen, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, elastin and retinol. 4 drops is best for my skin. Have you tried it yet ??? “he wrote in the post.
In the picture Instagram, The singer posed from the front wearing a white coat below the shoulders. Also, her body and hair were wet; And her face without a drop of makeup. The publication exceeded 54,000 likes and 500 comments. “I’m marrying you, I’m getting tattoos on my face and everything”, “Go skin” and “Oh, what a beautiful Devas !!! Hello awesome” are some of them.