Everything was ready, the speculation was over, and we went with the best we had. Now yes, ‘Blanquirroja’ Qatar starts its 2022 process live and tonight it goes to Barcelona, where it will wait for a few days for the game. Playoff, On June 13, with the win between Australia and the United Arab Emirates. But first he will play in a friendly against New Zealand on the 5th of the same month.
More info: Paulo Guerrero gets a chance from Colo Colo despite talks with Allianz Lima [VIDEO]
Despite that it was speculated in the last hours Paulo Guerrero may travel with the delegation Be a moral supporter and see if he can compromise at the last minute, Ricardo saw that Carreca had trained him, and he decided it was best to stay in Lima and recover. So, with maximum confidence, he can be in optimal condition before the final qualification for the World Cup.
Team completed
One of the concerns of the technical command was Louis Atvinkula, who arrived in Lima yesterday morning. Winger suffers a muscle injury in the right thigh muscle (tear) and the recovery time is at least three weeks.
Work will be done to prepare it, but it is known that the strategist has already spoken with Aldo Corso to encourage him to be his replacement if “Rayo” does not come. At night Carlos Zamprano and Santiago Ormeno joined.
The two-color team continued its training and served alongside Gabriel Costa, who was called up from Allianz Lima yesterday. Renato traveled from Tobias Vaiko to Barcelona and is already in training waiting for the delegation. Comes directly to Cueva, Carrillo, Peña, Trauco and Lapadula. Today we leave with hope, hoping that everything will be alright, and continue to dream of a second World Cup.