National Holidays | Pedro Castillo will deliver a message surrounded by corruption cases Republican Congress | Independence Day | July 28 | Politics

President He appeared before the Congress today to give his By And a first-year account of a government engulfed in corruption cases involving him, his family and those close to him.

After the delivery the foundations of his administration have been shaken again , former Chief Secretary. This has implicated the President in illegal activities related to bribery for promotion in the police.

See: Lady Cammons will preside over Congress at a critical juncture of political crisis [CRÓNICA]

Additionally, they weigh in at Castillo Terrones . Four were due to events that occurred during his duties: the Puente Tarata cases, promotions in the armed forces and Petro-Peru, as well as sudden changes in the Ministry of the Interior, where he was accused of crimes. Organization, collusion, influence peddling and personal concealment. The fifth trial was the commission of the alleged theft of his master’s thesis, the commission of crimes of aggravated theft, common perjury and gratuity.

Throughout his administration, Castillo had four cabinet members who seriously questioned him. Currently, In the process. Meanwhile, there are still people from his entourage involved in corrupt practices: his son-in-law Fray Vasquez and former transport minister Juan Silva.

Administration sources said Pedro Castillo will announce the Cabinet reshuffle in honor of national holidays. / Janel Rodriguez Robles

That part of the stage is where Castillo has to make announcements. Yesterday, in his office, the President reviewed a plan from his advisers to call for general elections. Trade.

Prime Minister Anibal Torres himself, for his March 15 message before Congress, said that Castillo was ready to present an initiative to advance elections. However, he backed out “at the last minute” and made a “last ditch effort for a deal”.

The issue, as it is known, is back on the table in the government, although this time the positions are divided and no final decision has been taken. “We are going with a sense of unity and not with the intention of attacking the country. The country needs peace. “Bringing elections is disrupting democratic processes, which is not right,” another government source said.

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Despite all the questioning of the head of state and the corruption investigations against him, another palace source confirmed: “Continuous message against strengthening democracy, balance of power, insecurity of citizens and fight against corruption.”

Other official sources said topics to be covered in the news include reform of the pension system and the police recruitment process. In June, during a speech in Yauyos, Castillo announced that his news would “bring more than a surprise.” Meanwhile, the president maintains his intention to make at least five Cabinet reshuffles to complement national holiday commemorations.


“We are going to listen to him and see what he tells us specifically about the corruption issues,” announced Congress leader Lady Cammons. Thus, it marked the focus of anticipation around the Head of State’s message. For his part, Democratic Peru legislator Guillermo Bermejo, who has had several meetings with Castillo, said he believed “it would be a call for peace, a call for a fight between the powers of the state.”

In conversation with TradeHernando Guerra García, spokesman for Fuerza Popular, noted that his caucus has few expectations for Castillo because he lacks credibility. “We believe he is resigning from the presidency. Based on Pacheco’s statements and investigations, we do not understand how he is talking to us about the fight against corruption when, if he was involved, it would be a contradiction. It is very difficult to get away from it,” he said. “We are in decisive days for this government,” he noted.

According to Jorge Montoya, spokesman for Renovación Popular, the president should focus on corruption cases involving him. “More than that, it should be their commitment to telling the truth and their commitment to justice. If you are not directly involved in corruption cases, say so; if he is, announce your resignation,” he said.

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Pedro Castillo will head to Congress with a new board of directors led by Lady Camones (APP).  He takes over from Maria del Carmen Alva (AP).
Pedro Castillo will head to Congress with a new board of directors led by Lady Camones (APP). He takes over from Maria del Carmen Alva (AP).

José Williams, spokesman for Avanza País, admitted that the fight against corruption should be a central theme in the news, “but it’s not going to do that because it’s getting more and more involved.” He noted that other axes of discourse should be economic restructuring and social inclusion.

According to Eduardo Saljuana, spokesman for the Alliance for Progress, it is difficult to expect anything substantial given the “bad administration” of President Castillo. “The issue of corruption should be central, it is very complicated for him. Bruno Pacheco is very close to him, his statements will complicate the stability of the president. Let’s see if he defines himself forcefully from Pacheco. And we will see what he says about the administration of his government,” he said.

In a reading by Carol Paredes, from Action Popular, other issues to be addressed – in addition to anti-corruption measures – are citizen security, economic reactivation, unemployment, education and health. “I believe that the statements of Mr. Pacheco, Carelim Lopez and Jamir Villaverde will send the evidence related to all the accused persons. The issue is clarified once and for all so as not to be in this predicament, because we are doing a lot of damage to our country,” he stressed.

Unaffiliated Assemblyman Carlos Anderson said he doesn’t expect the best from Castillo. “Now, he’s panicking because he knows it’s coming to him,” he said.


And it was precisely Anderson who, as a protest against Castillo, proposed that members of the legislature leave their seats when the president enters the chamber to deliver his message.

“I am going to wait for the President to come to Congress. Just as he was about to deliver his speech, I was going to quit the Congress to express the anger of the citizens. The President cannot come to Congress and pretend that nothing happened. You have to understand that there is citizen outrage. Is he going to come and talk to us about what really happened? No,” he explained Trade.

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Carlos Anderson, a congressman without affiliation, called on his colleagues in parliament to voice their opposition to President Pedro Castillo.
Carlos Anderson, a congressman without affiliation, called on his colleagues in parliament to voice their opposition to President Pedro Castillo.

Consulted by this newspaper, legislators from other benches disagreed with the move, but they did not rule out any action against the President. Guerra García pointed out that the Popular Force did not rule out any action because “there are many ways to demonstrate without spoiling and respecting the moment.”

“We’re going to evaluate, but I think investment is different from character. Character is something else.” For her part, her colleague Patricia Chirinos told the press: “I want to retire. We don’t discuss it on the bench, but we have to take some action.

Carol Paredes said she wanted to listen to the president and pay attention to what he was referring to, although he admitted: “One year into his administration, I don’t know what his assessment is, his balance, because we haven’t seen anything. .”

Jorge Montoya also pointed out that Congress has to listen to the president whether he likes it or not because there are other ways to reject the president’s approach. “I think you have to have a level of respect, there are other ways to exercise political control,” said Eduardo Saljuana.

“It’s a very contradictory, confrontational act. But I think we should respect his investment as president and he should come to the palace to give his statement,” Enrique Wong of Podemos Peru told reporters.

Finally, the legislators expressed themselves in favor of assessing the presidential vacancy based on the signs of corruption that continue to appear against Castillo Terrones.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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