Cruz Azul did not welcome the news of Santiago Giménez

The striker has already traveled to the Netherlands, where he will arrive this Thursday to undergo his respective medicals with his new team.

Santiago Giménez in his last match at Azteca
© Figure 7Santiago Giménez in his last match at Azteca

A few minutes ago Santiago Gimenez boarded a flight that would take him to the city of Amsterdam, where he would make a stopover and then on to Rotterdam. Feyenoord is the ‘home’ of the former Cruz Azul striker’s new club. A few hours ago, in a hotel near the Mexico City airport, the striker gave several interviews in which he left the Cement Club regret.

In a conversation with ESPN reporter Leon Leganda, Gimenez told how he sensed the Dutch team’s interest in his services. In his own words, Cruz Azul didn’t like the potential departure of a player who was betting all this semester without signing any Gunners to compete with him on the offensive front.

“There was interest about three weeks ago, no concrete or offers. We told Cruz Azul and obviously they didn’t like it because they trusted me so much. Little did I know that it was progressing little by little. It is my representatives who have taken everything”The Mexican international commented.

Although the first impression was ruined by both sides, the truth is that Santi left with the commitment he had given to the organization since childhood, the love of the fans and the respect he earned at the club. Before leaving, he thanked the entire community of cement workers.

“It’s a lovely club”

Since I arrived in the first division, I leave with a great image of the club, everyone has been fantastic to me. The fans, the team, the players, the coaching staff, it’s a beautiful club. I am so grateful, I read all your messages and I will always be in my heart”, he mentioned.

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