As reported, WhatsApp is working on a function so that users can hide if they are online, which is one of the most anticipated by users in terms of privacy, which has undoubtedly been claimed for a long time. Once this is implemented, it will allow complete hiding of activity state, which has not been possible within the application until now.
Over the past few years, WhatsApp has become the world’s best messaging service. As the user base continues to grow, this Meta-owned app keeps tweaking and incorporating new features all the time with the aim of improving the user experience.
Despite the various variations that have been added, there is one feature that has been part of other applications for a long time and is still not in service: the possibility to hide that a user is connected. Finally, WhatsApp will connect it.
How to hide if you are online on WhatsApp
This information has been published by a special website WABetaInfo. This feature is currently in beta testing phase and cannot be used by Android or iOS users, but it is expected to be rolled out to everyone in the near future.
The new option will be added to the privacy settings. Unlike what is currently shown in that section, the ability to configure will appear in the “Last Time and Online” menu.
Inside, users can choose who they allow to see the last connection time and online status. This information is shown to everyone, only contacts can see it, some specific contacts or no one can access it. As for the “online” status, the user can choose to accept the same configuration as the “all-known” or “last-connected” time.
It is important to remember that currently you do not show the time of the last connection or only contacts can see it. The same goes for the profile picture. This new functionality will be in addition to the aforementioned possibilities.
There is no known release date for the update yet, as the new option is still in development and there are no plans to release it while it is out of beta mode. Apart from the already mentioned, this new version will allow you to enable WhatsApp status for everyone to see.
“Friendship Mode”: New WhatsApp feature
This is not the only functionality that WhatsApp has surprised its customers with. Meta is also working on a new feature in the messaging service called “companion mode”. The account can be linked to another mobile device without requiring an internet connection on the main cell phone. This way, if necessary, a user can choose to use his account on another cell phone and no additional activation is required once the process is configured.