As a result of the LUMA Energy press conference on energy issues in the country, lawyer and analyst Pedro Pierluzzi sent a strong message.
Attorney and analyst Jay Fonseca asked Noticicentro reporter and anchor Normando Valentin how he felt about what happened at the LUMA press conference.
What solutions does LUMA offer for cutting problems?
Directors of LUMA Energy held a press conference to provide details of the latest outages and outages that left more than 200,000 customers without power yesterday.
While they realize that Wednesday’s blackout is related to a plant issue, they understand that there is a bigger issue with generation and storage capacity.
Luma assures them that pruning solves the problem, although they insist it is a hereditary problem.
However, when asked by Fourth Power investigator Cynthia Lopez Capan, they did not respond to the matter of Yutier and the guards, who are trained to use high-voltage lines and respond to power emergencies within 20 minutes.
The directors of LUMA Energy Company assured in a press conference today that this year blackout has reduced by 30 percent compared to last year.
Additionally, they asserted that the system is weak due to accumulated degradation.