Pedro Castillo – AMLO will ask to cancel the Pacific Alliance summit due to the absence of El Financiero

López Obrador will hold bilateral meetings with the leaders of Chile, Costa Rica and Honduras, although the Pacific Alliance meeting will not take place.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador will consult on the cancellation Pacific Alliance Summit in front lack of of the President of Peru, Pedro Castillo.

“I am going to consult today that the meeting of the countries of the Pacific Alliance will be canceled because the president of Peru is not allowed to attend,” he said this morning.

Pedro Castillo did not get permission from legislators to travel to Mexico for a planned meeting to take over the leadership of the coalition from López Obrador.

“That’s me temporary or ad hoc leader of that coalition And it’s up to the President of Peru to get the presidency, so if he doesn’t come, who do I hand him over to?” the president opined.

Now the government will look for alternative ways to hold the birth ceremony.

Let’s have a meeting in PeruThat may be an option, to do it there but I have to consult, I do not consider it appropriate to hold a meeting without the President, who should receive the courier,” the President stressed.

AMLO will receive the presidents of Chile, Costa Rica and Honduras

López Obrador will hold bilateral meetings with leaders, although the coalition meeting will not take place Chile, Costa Rica and Honduras.

“If the president of Chile or Costa Rica comes, I will hold bilateral meetings if the president of Honduras comes, but not necessarily this meeting of the Pacific Alliance,” he noted.

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López Obrador will meet with Gabriel Boerik on Thursday November 23 1:30pm at the National Palace after attending the Mexican Navy Day ceremony in Manzanillo, Colima.

A meeting with Rodrigo Chaves is scheduled for Monday, November 28. He did not disclose information about the meeting with Xiomara Castro.

At the Pacific Alliance Summit to be held in Mexico City on November 25, in the presence of the Presidents of Colombia – except those mentioned – Gustavo Pedro; From Ecuador, William Lazo And Alberto Fernandez Y Lula da Silvaas guests.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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