Despite Biden’s decisive victory in the Electoral College and popular vote, Trump refused to accept defeat in the 2020 election. The former vice president won nearly 80 million votes, by a significant margin than any other U.S. presidential candidate in history. Trump received nearly 74 million votes.
CNN and other outlets bid on Biden almost two weeks ago, putting Pennsylvania’s 20 election votes above the 270 needed to make Biden president. Biden is expected to get 306 election votes in the end, while Trump will get 232 votes, the same amount as Trump who defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016.
The president, who has sought to undermine the democratic process by making false claims about widespread voter fraud without any evidence, has refused to accept the race. Judges have repeatedly dismissed the cases as fraud, pointing out that there is no evidence.
Americans voted by mail on registration numbers this year to protect themselves from exposure to the corona virus in the midst of a global epidemic. Experts have been warning for months that there will be a long vote count and no results will be known on or after election night.
The president and his allies are trying to cast doubt on the entire voting process and have refused to cooperate with the change of power. Public Service Administrator Emily Murphy has refused to formally initiate presidential change, with the Fiden group blocking taxpayers access to millions of dollars in funding and other resources. Biden’s team has warned that the delay could have real-world consequences for national security and their corona virus response.