“That doesn’t give me the right to insult you.”

A huge buzz created the striker Rubio Castillo reveals that the lawyer is Aster Henriques Advised him badly in the case against the Chinese club Nantong Jiun.

Rubilio contends that the former player advised him to sue the team and then left him alone in the case, which later affected his career without playing football for a year, as the Asian team responded to the suit and won.

“When I come to Natong Zhiyun FC, I have everything normal, sign the pre-contract and everything. The thing is, when I arrive they start doing physical tests and until then everything is normal. Well, the team was doing preseason in another city and the president wanted to move me because ‘the coach and the players want to see me,’ so I told the president I wasn’t going to move without signing. Player in chat Carlos Castelli.

“The team wanted me to go to training and obviously I didn’t accept. They said I wasn’t going to go to them and because we didn’t sign, I went back to my country. Then we sued them,” he continued.

“Well, I came to Motagua, but at that time they didn’t sign me, but Sapriza did. When I’m already in Costa Rica, ​​the person who started the problem of this case appears. I’m going to comment, so everyone knows, that person is Aster Henriques “.

After that, he explained the topic. “It was like this: Paulo Hernandez (the Spanish player’s representative) came and put me in the team, but at the last minute he couldn’t travel with me. Paulo had a good relationship with Aster, he decided to travel with me, he stayed with me, and when we came back, he said, ‘Because you didn’t comply with your contract. Astor said to me, ‘We can sue them,’ and I replied. I just kept quiet and thought it was better to leave it at that.” .

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“But after a while I asked Astor to sue the Chinese team. At that time, if I sued, I would definitely win, but because it took me some time, we didn’t have the upper hand. When I did that, they made a counterclaim, and that’s when Astor disappeared. , he left me alone.

“If I had won the case, I tell you, they would all have been there, but because it didn’t go as expected, they left me alone,” the attacker concluded. Rubio Castillo.

After that, Astor Henriques He used his social networks to write a letter in which he replied to Rubilio that he would finally go to China and execute the contract. Nantong Jiun.

Answer by Aster Henroques:

Brief comments on the words spoken by Rubilio Castillo:

Humans are free to speak and speak as they see fit, some decide to speak the truth and respect others, while others are not interested in truth or respect for others.

Rubilio Castillo authorized Argentine law firm Marotta & Asociados to represent him in his case against Chinese club Nantong Zhiyun FC; The law firm recommended Rubio to represent him, saying they had already sued the club for a similar situation and that the claim before FIFA was favorable.

I know the news of his clearance is not pleasant, but that does not give him the right to disrespect me and refer to me in the way he did when he was held by the Argentinian law firm before FIFA and TAS. He had my support and help especially at critical moments in his personal life.

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This does not take away my desire to continue to contribute positively to the football environment. Thank you to everyone who wrote to me expressing their solidarity.

Astor Sherman Henriques”.

Wilmot Chandler

"Explorer. Web specialist. Beer practitioner. Alcoholaholic. Social media geek. Introvert. Food lover. Future teen idol."

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