New theoretical research shows that Stephen Hawking He might be right Black holes. In this study, conducted by experts Michael Wondrak, Walter van Suijlekom and Heino Falcke from Radboud University, the famous British physicist, astrophysicist and cosmologist He was right about black holes Somewhat.
Due to the radiation that Hawking explained, black holes eventually form Evaporate, but the event horizon is not well described. Gravity and the curvature of space-time cause this radiation. This means all objects The universe is greatLike the remnants of the stars, eventually They will evaporate.
Using a clever combination Quantum physics And this Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation, Stephen Hawking argued that the spontaneous creation and annihilation of pairs of particles must occur near the event horizon. This milestone is called the point of no escape Gravity A black hole. The new study is published in the journal Physical Review Letters of the American Physical Society (ABS).
A particle And his antiparticle They are created very briefly from the quantum field, after which they are instantly destroyed. But sometimes one particle falls into a black hole, and then another can to escape: This is Hawking’s concept of radiation. According to the scientist, this will eventually evaporate the black holes.
In this new study, Radboud University researchers reviewed this process and examined whether or not the existence of an event horizon actually matters. joined Physical TechniquesThe Astronomy And this Mathematics To investigate what happens when such pairs of particles are created in the vicinity of black holes.
The study shows that new particles can also be created beyond this horizon. Michael Vondrak, Distinguished Fellow at Radboud University and an expert in quantum field theory, has this to say: “We show that in addition to the well-known Hawking radiation, there is also a new radiation.”
For his part, his colleague van Suylkom explained: “Beyond the black hole, we show the curvature of the curve. space time Radiation plays an important role in formation. Particles are already separated by the tidal forces of the gravitational field. While radiation was previously thought to be impossible without an event horizon, this study shows that it is No tax required.”
“That means objects without an event horizon, etc Remnants of dead stars And other large objects in the uni also have this type of radiation. And, after a very long time, everything in the universe will eventually evaporate, like black holes. This changes not only our understanding of Hawking radiation, but our own A view of the universe And Her futureHeino Pahlke said.
Michael Vondrak is a Distinguished Fellow at Radboud University and an expert in quantum field theory. Walter van Suylkom is Professor of Mathematics at Radboud University and works on the mathematical formulation of physical problems. Heino Falke is a Awarded Professor of Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics at Radboud University and known for his work predicting and creating the first image of a black hole.
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