The Spanish soccer team’s victory over Italy, which qualifies them for the UEFA Nations League final, was last night’s most watched TV space, with 3.7 million viewers and a 30.3% screen share, TVE reported on Friday. .
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Crowds Spain’s victory over Italy’s most watched space, with more than 3.7 million viewers The Spanish football team’s victory over Italy, which qualifies them for the European Nations League final, last night was the most watched television space, with more than 3.7 million viewers and a 30.3% share of the screen , as reported by TVE on Friday. Customer access To access most of the news, you must be a registered user. If you want to access Servimedia news, write an e-mail to the following address: Forgot your password? Username Enter your Servimedia username. Password Type the password assigned to your username. © The contents of this news are owned by Servimedia News Agency and are protected by copyright. Only Servimedia clients are allowed to use it and we require our agency to sign or cite as the source. Thank you very much.