Science has found a range of diets going back 100 years

Science has found the key to touching eternal youth or, at least, reaching centennial life: a combination of two diets, intermittent fasting and longevity. Biochemist Valter Longo, who recently published the book Fasting against cancerwhere he revealed the results of ten experiments on the relationship between intermittent fasting and cancer, and considered that the combination of the two can increase the life expectancy of an individual by up to 20 years.

The Longevity Diet, which according to Longo has also shown to be effective in preventing cancer, is based on consuming legumes, nuts such as almonds or walnuts, olive oil, and fish three times a week. Likewise, white meat consumption is prioritized while red meat intake is kept to a minimum. It is recommended to avoid sugar and proteins of animal origin, as they can be the “food of choice” for cancer cells, according to the scientist in information from The Economist.

Longo, who works at the Institute of Molecular Oncology in Italy and the University of Southern California’s Longevity Institute in the US, suggests that the Mediterranean diet, although a valid option, should be followed more strictly to get maximum benefits. People between the ages of 20 and 70 combine this diet with the Life Extension Diet.

He says the author of the book himself strictly followed the Longevity Diet for years, which allowed him to maintain his weight and youthful appearance. In addition, he takes an hour of walking every day to keep fit.

Intermittent fasting is also being offered as an effective disease prevention strategy and as a complement to cancer treatments. According to Longo, the challenge is to kill all the cancer cells before the patient’s immune and nervous systems are weakened. The combination of the Longevity Diet and intermittent fasting, always under the supervision of medical professionals, can contribute to this goal.

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Myrtle Frost

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