Human Rights Watch recommends implementing “bold measures” to pressure Daniel Ortega

Human Rights Watch issued a statement recommending that the international community, particularly Latin American governments, “take bold steps to contribute to a democratic transition that guarantees human rights in Nicaragua.”

Likewise, the organization urges governments to establish a “Committee of Friends of the Nicaraguan People,” as requested by 180 victims of the Nicaraguan government, 20 non-governmental organizations and 9 international human rights groups.

“The Group of Friends should hold high-level meetings to design a strategy to prevent abuses, provide avenues for accountability, and push for free and fair elections, in consultation with Nicaraguan civil society organizations and other local actors.” Human Rights Watch recommends .

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On the other hand, the organization expressed its agreement with the recent report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, which highlights the deterioration of the human rights crisis in Nicaragua and the closure of civic spaces. for dissent.”

“We echo your urgent call on the government to release all political prisoners and restore nationality to all arbitrarily removed people,” the human rights organization explained.

Similarly, Human Rights Watch expresses its concern over the closure of the University of Central America (UCA) and other illegal laboratories in the country, the closure of more than 3,400 non-governmental organizations and the imprisonment of 79 political prisoners. “Human rights defenders and journalists still in the country are at high risk,” the organization warns.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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