“Halloween party ends in colonial zone with street scenes, wrecked vehicles and trash” | Daily list

Residents of Hostos and Padre Billini Streets woke up this Sunday amid chaos, garbage, stench and discomfort, Saturday night in the Duarte Park in the Colonial zone with a costume party starring youths from other cities.

One of the victims, Bartolomé Castro, had parked his vehicle on Hostos street as usual for more than 10 years when unknown persons entered and smashed the car’s hood and bonnet.

“There was a very strong vandalism last night, this car is mine, they destroyed the top, the front parts, the guard, the grills, everything, basically the boys were at their Halloween party last night,” he fumed. Man, gentleman.

It is uncertain whether Castro will cover the cost of repairing the vehicle, which Castro estimates will exceed 25,000 pesos.

Clutter, garbage, stench and discomfort is a costume party on Saturday night.

He said that in his 40 years of living in the region, this is something that he has never seen before, so the authorities should pay more attention to this.

“It’s something I’ve never experienced, I’ve seen here in the colonial zone in my life, I’ve lived all my life, I’m 40 years old, here in front and I’ve never seen it, it’s bad. It’s bad, every day it’s bad,” he lamented.

A pungent stench of liquor residue, broken bottles and urine dominated the surroundings of the aforementioned park where the elderly lived.

Likewise, they revealed the presence of the Tourist Police (Politur), which is minimal, appearing only at night, without controlling the situation, people were able to run and shoot, as can be seen in the videos posted on social networks.

Residents are fed up with the sector’s changing co-existence and hope that the authorities will take forceful action to put an end to such activities.

See also  Illegal intersections on the Duarte Highway have been closed

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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