The Army Aeronautics and Space Administration will support Escribano in testing products under development

he Air and Space Army You will provide support to the company Mechanical and engineering writer In ground and flight tests of products under development by the company. This was stated in the agreement signed at the end of December by the Chief of the General Staff of the Air Force (JEMA) and Air General Javier SaltoAnd the head of Scribano, Angel Escribano Ruiz.

In the agreement published in the BOE, the Ministry of Defense highlighted that Escribano specializes “in the development of intelligent guidance modules for weapons, as well as defense systems in surveillance applications and weapons for remote use.” “These technologies allow the development of systems that are in line with the needs of the Army Air and Space (EA), in particular with the developments of precision guided air weapons in their various modalities,” he says.

“It lacks certain means to conduct tests of any of its developments in the aviation environment,” adds Escribano, which is why it requires the cooperation of the Ministry of Defense, through the Army Air and Space Forces in this case.

The Air Force will design and execute the agreed-upon ground and flight tests, in coordination with Escribano, according to “availability of resources,” while the company, also with the support of the Air Force, will carry out engineering tasks such as “requirements design, parameterization, detailed designs, prototyping, monitoring and testing activities in unit tests.” Integration tests and tests Permit to flyTo support flight tests and analyze results.”

The duration of the agreement is four years, with the option to extend for another four additional years through processing the addendum. The agreement also specifies the cost of Escribano's use of Army Air and Space aircraft or other means, personnel and facilities to conduct the above tests. On the part of the administration, the text confirms that the agreement “will not entail any commitment or financial commitment.”

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The parties will also establish a monitoring committee that will oversee the development of planned activities and prepare an annual calendar of activities, among other measures. The agreement does not refer at any time to specific projects.

Escribano maintains similar agreements with army And the Navy. The company, which in recent years has focused more on solutions for the land and maritime sectors, is also looking for a niche in aviation.

Among Escribano's projects in this field, the design of a mission system based on optical means for aircraft stands out. The project known as Sumentis one of the initiatives she chose Center for Technological Development and Innovation in Spain (CDTI) inside Aviation Technology Program Which seeks to promote the development of technologies with applications in this sector.

Two other companies are also participating in the consortium, Initum And Wavenet radio engineeringand the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA)the main investigative body of the Ministry of Defense.

Myrtle Frost

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