Valencia. Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) Launched the first edition of the “La Ciència a les Falles” awards.It is an initiative that aims to identify the best scenes or nenotes of Fallas 2024 that contribute to spreading the importance of scientific research among society for our present and future.
Ninotes or scenes may represent anything from researchers to scenes from R&D laboratories, advances, scientific projects and/or scientific publishing with a preferred, though not exclusive, Valencian seal, and any other suggestion that brings science and its heroes closer to the world. the public.
Vice Chancellor for Internationalization and Communication at UPV, Jose Francisco MonserratHe stressed that “one of the main goals of our university is to bring science closer to the entire society.” In this sense, the Vallas offer, in his opinion, “a great opportunity to advance towards this goal.”
He added: “Therefore, with these awards, we want to contribute to enhancing scientific publishing and highlighting science through our festivals, which have been declared the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.”
In total, the UPV may award up to six prizes, three of which are in the senior category (500 euros and a banner for the first prize; 200 euros and a banner for the second prize; 100 euros and a banner for the third) and three more for children (in the amounts of 400, 200 and 100 euros respectively and a banner for each one of them).
The award is open to all Vallas committees, in both categories, integrated into the Valera Central Council. To participate, applications will be submitted through the online headquarters of the Universitè Politècncia de València as a general application including the competition registration form. The deadline for accepting nominations will end on March 8, 2024.
The award is part of the UPV's annual scientific communication and dissemination program and is promoted by the Communication Area of the UPV, through its Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit, and the Avda Tarongers Committee – Universidad Politécnica Camí de Vera. In addition, it is supported by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.