The Maduro dictatorship confirmed the arrest of Venezuelan activist Rocio San Miguel

Activist and human rights defender Rocio San Miguel Maduro is detained by the dictatorship (EFE/Jeffrey Arguedas).

Mani learned of the arrest of the Venezuelan activist Rocio San MiguelThe president of the NGO Citizen Control, the attorney general of the Chavista dictatorship this Sunday, Tarek William Chapconfirmed the information and noted that the human rights defender was arrested for alleged involvement in a plot involving the assassination of Nicolás Maduro.

The arrest was confirmed two days after the lawyer was arrested, according to various NGOs and opposition political parties. At Maiquetía International Airport -It serves Caracas-, where he planned to fly with his daughter.

In social network White braceletThe aim was to attack the lives of the country's president, Nicolás Maduro, and other top officials.

The 'white bracelet' is the most recent plot by the five authorities have taken down since May last year, according to Saab in January. More than thirty people, including civilians and soldiers, have been arrested for this. Venezuela's Defense Minister, Vladimir Padrino Lopez, announced the evacuation of several more. 30 players The Bolivarian National Armed Forces have been implicated in these plots, including the assassination attempt on Nicolás Maduro.

Likewise, the dictatorship's lawyer said this Sunday that the plan included “an attack on several military units in San Cristóbal (Tachira state) and other institutions in the country.”

Derek William Sapp, Attorney General of the Venezuelan Dictatorship (Europe Press/Contact/Ife/Christian Hernandez)

He also promised that the investigations would “collect evidence from people related to these extreme events inside and outside the country”.

The incident created strong national and international protests.

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Amnesty International (AI) This Sunday he demanded the activist's “immediate and unconditional” freedom And in 2012 he asked the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to respect the “security precautions granted in his favor” and “access to lawyers and family members”.

Several Venezuelan NGOs have reported that San Miguel's family has not known his whereabouts since his arrest last Friday.

The activist said this month that the US Court of Human Rights (IDC) had requested the Venezuelan government to submit a report on compliance with the 2018 conviction in his favor “by May 6 at the latest”. Others for being removed from their public positions in 2004 after signing a call for a recall referendum on then-President Hugo Chávez.

Provea reported his arrest on Saturday. “Rocio San Miguel is a victim of harassment, persecution and discrimination by the Venezuelan government.. “His arrest is a very serious incident that highlights the progressive closure of civil space and attempts by the regime to stifle critical voices,” the NGO condemned.

system Justice, Reconciliation and Forgiveness He also spoke about San Miguel's arbitrary detention, noting that “those close to the activist are informing him of his whereabouts more than 24 hours after his arrest.”

The opposition leader's party for its part Maria Corina MachadoVente Venezuela vowed that the move “continues to attack civil society as part of a systematic pattern of human rights violations.”

(with information from EFE)

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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