Casa Somos de San Marcos has a renovated technology space – Quito Informa

Quito, June 10, 2024 (Keto Informa). – Somos San Marcos House has a renovated technological space thanks to the collaboration between Manuela Sáenz's management and the private company, which installed 12 computers and supported with repair and painting in the Somos House and on Junín Street (centre). The municipality will provide spaces to hold workshops.

The computers were delivered after the large minga carried out by the “Blue Tide” Foundation (Fundación Telefónica Ecuador) to beautify this traditional neighborhood, within the framework of the celebration of Telefónica's International Volunteer Day, which is celebrated simultaneously in 30 countries.

About 600 people participated in Minga, wearing a blue shirt as a badge. Their main activity is the planting of 2,100 geraniums, of which 1,300 are placed in the homes of San Marcos and 800 in the Church of Santa Catalina, on Flores Street.

The main objective of this initiative was to continue the economic revitalization of the historic center, through the activities promoted by the Chamber of Commerce and the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Alliance with its project “Back to the Center”, in coordination with the Central District Administration and a private company.

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Myrtle Frost

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