Why do we love? Science explains the biological basis of romantic attraction

Couple in love (Shutterstock)

Love is a universal theme, the subject of millions of works of art and literature over the centuries and a state (more or less long) that we have all found ourselves at some point. In movies, books, songs (and real life), the connection between two people is undoubtedly immediate. Other times, it's a feeling of patience. But what is the biology in all this? Which is that Scientific explanation love?

A new study from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) has debunked some of the big ones. Unknowns love bond In an article titled “Social and Nonsocial Cohesion Are Interrelated and Romantically Attractive.” As its authors publish in the journal Communication psychologyResearch has focused on Physiological harmony (coordination of physiological responses between individuals) and its impact on feelings of love and attraction.

Physiological synchrony refers to the alignment of physiological responses among people, including parameters such as heart rate, respiration, and skin conductance (heat and electricity transmitted through nerves and sweat through the skin). when Two individuals are physiologically synchronizedYour body functions align in measurable ways and often occur naturally during interactions.

The research combined experimental and observational methods to investigate how physiological synchrony is affected love interest. To do this, they prepared an online experiment with 144 participants, which showed that inducing congruence between actors significantly increased their attractiveness ratings. Additional research with 48 participants in a laboratory speed dating system identified individuals with high potential A natural tendency to synchronize In social and non-social contexts, so-called “supersynchronisers”. These individuals were consistently rated as more romantically attractive, underscoring the potential for physiological conditioning to significantly improve perceived attractiveness.

An Elderly Couple (Shutterstock)

Professor of Psychology at the Hebrew University Dr. Sheer Adzil explains: “Our findings suggest that the ability to synchronize with others is not just a social skill, but may arise from basic sensory skills that an individual needs. modifies Dynamic stimuli. “This adaptation, whether in response to social cues or rhythmic patterns, is thought to be attractive, possibly due to the beneficial physiological effects that a synchronous pairing has.”

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The study proposes that synchronized physiological states can enhance the regulation of various body systems, making these interactions more satisfying. Furthermore, effective synchrony may represent cognitive and evolutionary advantages, suggesting a deep biological significance of this trait. Despite these promising ideas, Dr. Adzell points out the limitations of the research: “The cross-sectional design of our study limits our ability to draw firm conclusions about this. Long-term stability of syncope as a trait and its causal relationship with romantic attraction,” he highlights.

Future research will delve deeper into these dynamics, particularly considering the implications of concordance in lasting romantic relationships Different sexual orientations. This study not only advances our understanding of romantic attraction, but also paves the way for further exploration of how physiological and behavioral congruence can shape human relationships in broader contexts.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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