Maduro must be ready to hand over power

Photo: Courtesy

Omar Gonzalez Moreno described as “successful” the call made by María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia to the National Armed Forces, thus maintaining an institutional status after July 28.

“Maduro must be ready to hand over power and the military must respect the will of the people expressed in the elections,” said Vente, Venezuela's national leader.

“The armed forces have a duty to guarantee a peaceful transition that respects the constitution and the will of millions of Venezuelans,” he added.

He noted that the advantage of the Edmundo-Maria Corina formula was insurmountable and that a new president would be elected in Venezuela on July 28.

“Faced with this reality, the military establishment must assert its role as the guarantor of national peace and as a cornerstone for orderly change of command according to democratic rules.”

He assured that the next president, Edmundo González Urrutia, with the decisive support of María Corina Machado, has made clear his position of popular voice and firm adherence to legal protection.


The Liberal leader promised from Miraflores that they were developing a policy of systematic harassment aimed at affecting opposition mobilization across the country.

“Chavismo's arrests and sabotage to prevent the success of opposition activities are a clear indication of the fear at the top of socialist power.”

He considered the start of the Unity campaign “strong” and Nicolás Maduro's re-election campaign “clear and stupid”.


Omar González – who is seeking asylum at the Argentine embassy in Caracas – warned of the Venezuelan government's plan to unleash a diplomatic crisis with Buenos Aires to justify a crackdown on dissidents taking refuge at the headquarters of the Gaucho delegation in Venezuela.

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“Maduro is launching a new attack against President Javier Mili, forcing a reaction from Casa Rosada and thus failing to comply with his obligation to provide safe passage to the socialist regime's persecuted politicians.”

Press release

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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