They are stealing call logs and scaring thousands of users in the US

AT&T The US authorities were informed of this. Hackers They were able to access and steal data from call logs and text messages for six months, affecting a large number of their cellular network customers. Although the stolen data did not include customer names, the company has taken steps to mitigate the impact of the incident.

Hackers Attack AT&T

The data theft was discovered during an internal investigation in April. There it was revealed that hackers had illegally accessed a third-party cloud platform used by AT&T to store records Calls And Text messages.

The compromised information ranges from: From May 1 to October 31, 2022as well as January 2, 2023. Although the content of the communications was not affected, the records included phone numbers, posing a potential risk of user identification using online tools.

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Francisco Fernandez

AT&T's Response to Hacker Attacks

In response to the attack, AT&T It has implemented additional cybersecurity measures, including shutting down the access point used by the hackers. The company is reaching out to affected customers to inform them of the incident and has increased its cooperation with law enforcement to identify and apprehend those responsible for the data theft. AT&T has confirmed that at least Someone was arrested Regarding this issue.

In his speech before US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)AT&T confirmed that the data breached did not include personally identifiable information or customer names.

However, it acknowledged that phone numbers could be used to identify users through online tools. The company also said the U.S. Department of Justice has requested that it publicly disclose information about the breach in May and June 2023, in compliance with SEC regulations.

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Bernardo Scotti

AT&T: The Consequences of a Hacker Attack in the Future

AT&T has reassured its customers that there is no evidence to date that the stolen data has been made public. The company also said that the incident will not impact its operations or have a negative impact on its financial results. However, the attack highlights the ongoing challenges that large companies face when it comes to cybersecurity and data protection.

AT&T Wireless Network Connect 127 million devicesAccording to its 2023 annual report, stressing the importance of maintaining high security standards to protect its users’ sensitive information.

The company is still working to improve its security protocols and prevent future incidents of this kind, while working closely with authorities to bring those responsible to justice.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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