Chile sent a note of protest to the Maduro regime for barring two senators traveling as election observers from entering Venezuela.

Chile's Foreign Minister, Alberto Van Claveren (EFE/ Elvis González)

He Government of Chile Sent to Govt Venezuela A note protesting against the senators being prevented from entering the country Philip Cast (middle right) and Jose Manuel Rojo Edwards (extreme right), invited by Venezuela protest As election observers on Sunday Nicolás Maduro Seeks re-election.

Ministry of External Affairs He called the ambassador Venezuela Inside Chili, Arevalo MendezIn order to issue a note of protest as the senators were not allowed to enter the country Jose Manuel Rojo Edwards And Philip Cast“said President's House In a brief statement.

Castof the party EvopoliIt was reported on their social networks that they would be deported because they did not meet the “profile or conditions for entry into the country”. “This is completely arbitrary. It shows that all the words of some who say democracy are just lies,” he said.said Cast In a video on X.

EdwardsFrom the extreme right Christian Social Partypointed out that for his part “Maduro has brought misery and hunger” and “You should know that Latin America “The whole thing goes to protect the democracy of the brave people of Venezuela.”

Presidency of Chilean Senate He assured that the events were “undemocratic” and “indicated the utmost seriousness”.Chilean senators They usually have all the required conditions Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to enter their territory.”

The Maduro regime exiled two senators from Chile

Ripefrom the regime 2013Facing Sunday Edmundo Gonzalez UrrutiaThe 74-year-old former diplomat became the candidate Resistance After ex-sub Maria Corina Machado disqualified, and leads the South American nation's voting intentions according to traditional pollsters.

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However, Chavismo is promising Ripe The victory will come despite the fact that independent polls reflect the boredom of large sections of the population amid the severe economic crisis that has ravaged the country over the past decade.

Exile of Chilean senators Takes place after hours Venezuela A group of parliamentarians were barred from entering Popular Party of Spain (PP). A group of former Latin American presidents were also unable to get off the plane Panama Until the former leaders got off the plane.

They told us they were deporting us because they told us we didn't meet the profile or the conditions to enter the country. It is completely arbitrary. This shows that all the words of some who say democracy is a big lie.“X condemned Kast in a video posted on the social network.

Gabriel Boric's government has been increasingly critical of the Venezuelan dictatorship in recent times (EFE/ Elvis González)

The Presidency of the Senate of Chile He assured that the events were “anti-democratic” and “represent the greatest seriousness” because “the senators of Chile generally have all the necessary conditions for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to enter its territory.”

Edwards, far right Christian Social PartyFor his part pointed out “Maduro has brought suffering and hungerAnd “You should know that the brave people of Venezuela are going to defend democracy throughout Latin America.”

Maduro, who has been in power since 2013, meets on Sunday Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia74-year-old former diplomat becomes opposition candidate to succeed Venezuelan leader Maria Corina Machado According to traditional pollsters in the South American country, he is disqualified and guides voting intentions.

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(with information from EFE)

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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