Luis Almagro warned that the Supreme Court and Venezuela's Electoral Council had acted with “total lack of transparency”.

Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) (Photo: EFE/Lenin Noli)

Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), This Friday, he rejected the decision of the Supreme Court of Venezuela (TSJ) by which he confirmed the victory of Nicolás Maduro in the July 28 and presidential elections. He said the TSJ and the Election Commission had acted with “total lack of transparency”.

Almagro expressed his opinion 'Deep rejection' of Venezuelan judge's decision Election officials argue in a statement “They announced Maduro as a matter of urgency.”

Also “numbers that showed math disabilities and based on an orally published partial bulletin without providing split results.”

According to Almagro, the electoral authorities and the TSJ acted with “total opacity” and “behavior characterized by promoting conspiracy theories”. Making announcements and statements without any documentary evidence.”

A week ago, the Permanent Council of the OAS requested the Venezuelan authorities through a unanimous resolution “Expedited” release of election minutes.

Venezuela has not been part of the OAS since Nicolás Maduro's Chavista regime decided to withdraw from the organization in 2017 (withdrawal took effect in 2019) over what the Washington-based body considered meddling in its internal affairs.

The US government also spoke this Friday about the decision of the Venezuela TSJ “Not All Credibility” Given “overwhelming evidence”, opposition standard-bearer Edmundo González Urrutia won the majority.

The Supreme Court, controlled by judges sympathetic to Chavismo, confirmed on Thursday that the disputed results of the July 28 elections had given Maduro a victory over his opponent, Gonzalez Urrutia.

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Its ruling, which ends the court's review of the elections in an “uncertain and arbitrary” manner, comes 22 days after Maduro requested the process.

For his part, the Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado This Friday was considered TSJ support for Maduro's victory shows Judges' “complicity” with “fraud” and Chavista leader “sinks deep”Its success was not recognized by many countries.

Venezuelan opposition figure Maria Corina Machado leads a rally in Caracas on August 17, 2024 (REUTERS/Maxwell Briceno)
Venezuelan opposition figure Maria Corina Machado leads a rally in Caracas on August 17, 2024 (REUTERS/Maxwell Briceno)

“Once again, the ruling is wrong: the TSJ ruled (the National Electoral Council) was complicit in CNE's fraud. Instead of closing the case, they have accelerated the process of isolating and drowning Maduro every day.”Revealed in former vice X, a key supporter of González Urrutia, candidate of the opposition coalition Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD).

The anti-Savista expressed this thus A rejection expressed by 11 countries in the Latin American regionThrough a joint statement, the TSJ's approval of Maduro's victory, announced on July 28 by the CNE, which has not yet published the extracted results of the elections, was prepared by the rector of the Institute of Elections.

Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, United States, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay They “definitely rejected the declaration of the TSJ” which “referred to the completion of an alleged verification” and “intended to verify the results without support” because the PUD published the data – which confirms the victory of Gonzalez Urrutia.

The Group of States recalled the warning of the Independent International Fact-Finding Panel on Venezuela. “The independence and impartiality of both CNE and DSJ.” They will insist on “respecting the sovereign expression of the Venezuelan people,” which was “spoken in a peaceful and forceful manner” in the election.

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Likewise, all 11 governments expressed their “deep concern and rejection” of what they consider “human rights violations committed against citizens peacefully demanding respect for their vote and the restoration of democracy.” They mentioned thus More than 2,400 people have been arrested The regime's claims occurred during citizen protests against election results published by the CNE.

(with information from EFE)

Eden Hayes

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