Seneca Space presents science to school children and the general public in a fun way.

  • The interactive educational science museum Vega Baja is organizing three days of workshops to uncover the secrets of electricity, chemical reactions in cooking, augmented reality and an exhibition of female scientists.

Alicante, September 24, 2024. Seneca Space hosts the Vega Baja Interactive Educational Science Museum (MUDIC) from Wednesday to Friday to bring science to school children and the general public in a fun way.

For three days, visitors will be able to find interactive MUDIC modules for live experiments such as plasma ball discharge, visualization of the Pythagorean theorem and “playing” a musical instrument without touching it. Also see the “Marie Curie for the Mediterranean” exhibition, which celebrates the lives and achievements of female scientists and researchers from the Mediterranean who received the prestigious Marie Curie European Union grants or contributed to them through their work. The exhibition consists of a collection of 29 paintings.

In addition, different workshops will be held every day, taught in the morning to groups of school children and in the afternoon to the general public. Wednesday will be dedicated to discovering the secrets of electricity through different experiments (school children 9:30 and 11:15 am and general public 6 pm). The workshop “Cooking and Chemical Reactions” will be taught on Thursday with different recipes to try (school children 9:30 and 11:15 am and general public 6 pm), and on Friday it is the turn of the “Virtual and Augmented Reality” workshop only for school children at 9:30 and 11:15 am.

Also on Friday, from 5 to 8 pm, there will be Mednight – Researchers’ Night in the Mediterranean – where researchers will showcase their latest findings through demonstrations and games. In addition, there will be an EU corner where renowned researchers will showcase how the European Commission supports scientific research.

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The activities conclude at 6:00 pm with a theatrical performance “Midnight Tales”, adapted from popular science stories in the “Midnight Tales” competition presented by the MUDIC theatre group.

Myrtle Frost

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