A movie that reflects your life and is a global sensation

Critics called the film “fast-paced, clever and powerful”. Movie of NetflixIt was powered by Will Gluck and has become one of the favorites of users worldwide.

In conclusion, anyone who wants to laugh at a very romantic story should do it with friends with benefits of 1 hour and 49 minutes.


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Netflix: What is the movie Friends with Benefits about?

Jamie Rellis (Mila Kunis) is a talent scout who convinces Dylan Harper (Justin Timberlake) to move to New York and take over as the art director of a magazine. When they both find themselves in the city of their dreams, friendship between them is allowed, with all its complications.


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Friends with Benefits cast, Netflix movie

  • Justin Timberlake (Dylan Harper)
  • Mila Kunis (Jamie Rellis)
  • Patricia Clarkson (Lorna Rellis)
  • Richard Jenkins (Mr. Harper)
  • Jenna Elfman (Annie Harper)
  • Nolan Gold (Sammy)
  • Woody Harrelson (Tommy Bollinger)

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Trailer for Friends With Benefits, Netflix Movie

Embed – Trailer | Friends with benefits

Where to watch the movie Friends with benefitsDepending on the geographical area

  • Latin America: The Movie Find friends with benefits Netflix and Prime Video.
  • America: The Movie Find friends with benefits Netflix And Apple TV.
  • Spain: United: The Movie Find friends with benefits Netflix And Apple TV.
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Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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