Maduro described those linked as “corrupt and degenerate”.

Nicolás Maduro. | Photo: Threads @presidentialve

This Monday, Nicolás Maduro described the Ensufados as “corrupt” and “disorganized” for betraying Venezuela's intentions.

During the telecast of his show, he said he was committed to the fight against “infiltrators” wherever they are or “whatever color they are”. His words were also addressed to Chavista officials who were recently detained for their involvement in these cases.

“We, the indifferent people know, the opponents know, I said that I am a warrior and that there are two enemies to bring down this Venezuela, the first enemy is the permanent conspiracy of the power factors of the North, the homeland and the second enemy to dissolve the idea (…) What is a plug-in? A corrupt person, a degenerate, who used the power given to him by the revolution to his advantage for personal gain and betrayed the people,” he opined.

“I will not give up that fight, I am determined to fight against intruders, against corruption, against plug-ins, wherever they are and whatever color they are. I have been stabbed in the back but they have recovered from those close to me and I have given them all hope,” he added.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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