Hector Rodríguez proposed that retired teachers should return to classrooms to overcome bureaucratic evil.

Hector Rodriguez. Photo: Courtesy

Venezuela's Minister of Education, Hector Rodríguez, signed a resolution this Tuesday calling for retired teachers to return to classrooms to teach classes. Especially in the fields of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

“This resolution determines that all retired teachers who wish to do so can return to the classroom without losing their pension rights,” the minister pointed out in a video posted on Instagram.

Rodriguez pointed out that there are “some difficulties” in covering areas such as math, chemistry and physics, so it is necessary for young people to “make sure” they have “all their teachers, their whole schedule”.

Also, he ordered all the teachers in the workplace and teachers working in institutions other than regular educational institutions to return to their schools to conduct lessons.

“Our main task is to guarantee inclusive quality education for all, but the main difficulty in achieving that objective is our own bureaucracy, the functioning of the ministry,” he added.

The Center for Documentation and Social Analysis of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers (CENTAS-FVM) has calculated that the average salary of a teacher is 21 dollars at the official exchange rate, which it considers insufficient to cover the cost of a basic meal. $107.8 per person was calculated by the company in August.

With information from EFE

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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