This is what cats and dogs dream about, according to science

It is amazing to imagine what is happening in our minds Pets While they sleep. Although they cannot tell us their dreams, science has explored this area to provide us with some clues. a lot dog like Cats You go through several stages of sleep, including deep sleep and sleep stages Rapid eye movement (Rapid Eye Movement), and the latter is the key because it is linked to dreams in humans.

This remains a fascinating field of science. Source: Freebeck.

the dog They go through a sleep cycle in which they go through the REM phase, which is where REM sleep is most likely to occur. dreams. The “continuity hypothesis” is supported by experts such as psychologist Deirdre Barrett of Harvard University points out that dogs dream about activities that are part of their daily lives. This means they may dream about playing, smelling interesting things, or even dreaming about their owners. David Peña Guzman, author of When Animals Dream, supports this theory, noting that these loyal pets, who rely heavily on their sense of smell, may be dreaming of familiar scents and everyday sensory experiences.

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the CatsFor their part, they seem to indulge their natural instincts, especially hunting. An experiment conducted in the seventies before Neuroscientist Michel Jouvet revealed that when it was an area brain In REM sleep, cats showed hunting-related behaviors such as chasing and jumping, suggesting that they dream of catching prey. However, like dogs, cats may also dream about everyday activities, such as playing with their toys or relaxing in the sun.

This remains a fascinating field of science. Source: Freebeck.
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This remains a fascinating field of science. Source: Freebeck.

As in humans, REM sleep is crucial to a pet's health, as it is at this stage that the process takes place memories And unify experiences. A study published in the journal Nature showed that mice dream about activities they performed during the day, which supports the idea that sleep helps strengthen memory. to learn.

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in spite of investigation Regarding sleep in animals, what is known so far suggests that sleep, as in humans, plays an essential role in our lives. dog and Cats. This remains a fascinating field of science, with more studies to come that are sure to reveal new details about the dream world of our animal companions.

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Myrtle Frost

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