Mara Flix: What is the real name of “La Dova”?

Who would have imagined it Real name Whoever it is “The Diva of Mexico” There is Mara de los ngeles Flix Gerea And no Mara Flix.

The Famous actress Born April 8, 1914, he is of Sonoran descent Mexican mythology, Not only because of her beauty, but also because of the arrogance that always represents her.

Mara Flix, Also known as The Prayer The “Mara Ponita“He was of Yagi descent by his father’s side, and Basque was by his mother’s side.

Although he was born in Sonora, at a young age he moved with his family to Guadalajara, the city where he was married. Enrique Elvarez Altore And was his first Son Enrique Elvarez Flix.

After many years in the same city he met the singer Charro, George Negrate, With whom he starred in his first film Nima’s pen, And married October 18, 1952.

First of all The movie, “La Dova” stole the paper Glory Morn, Who was a partner of George Negrade at the time.

Mara Flix married Augustine Laura from 1945 to 1948, with whom he is said to have had a very passionate and stormy relationship.

His cinematography career

Mara Flix did nothing more than that 47 moviesHe has been recognized in all of his leading roles, as well as in countries such as France and Spain, where he has participated in 11 Spanish, Italian-French and Italian-German co-productions.

She has worked with some of the best directors in the golden age of Mexican cinema, such as Diva Emilio “El Indio” Fernandez Y Roberto Gouldn, Five images in each image.

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Some of his most popular tapes include Toa Prabara, Published September 16, 1943; Woman without soul, Published February 17, 1944 Robber Y General.


Gillian Patton

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