The Caballera de la Polica de Crdoba Division has had its own space since Thursday, when the transfer of a large piece of land that was already being occupied in the Kempes Park was formalized.
In this framework and coinciding with the celebration of Animal Day, the Minister of Security, Alfonso Mosquera, toured the place and said: For us, that the Caballera, the oldest Division of the force, has its own space, it is very auspicious and we want to highlight and thank it.
In addition, he added: It is appropriate to pay tribute to Caballera and Canes considering that animals are co-workers, friends and saviors in many circumstances, not only of the Police, but also of the citizen.
In turn, the president of the Crdoba Deportes Agency highlighted how relevant it is to have the Caballera in the Kempes Park, because the approach of the Police with the people is important and, mainly, the proximity of the boys who come here on weekends week and can observe all the skill of the animals.
Lastly, the Chief of Police, General Commissioner Liliana Zrate Belletti, ratified the importance of the loan agreement so that the Caballera Division definitely has its own space, for the benefit of the guides and their horses.
Subsequently, the officials went to the Cannes Division building and visited the facilities.