Rodolfo Delgado, a lawyer appointed by the legislature, proposes to reconsider the agreement to create CICIES

The lawyer, who was appointed by the New Ideas Assembly, pointed out that the organization is reviewing the actions of the El Salvador (CICIS), an organization that has uncovered 12 corruption cases in the Buchale government.

Rodolfo Delgado became the Attorney General of the Republic, replacing the ousted Raul Melara after being elected without respect for due process in the legislature dominated by representatives related to Buckley.

In its first steps, Delcado confirmed that it was reviewing the agreement on the creation of an international commission against sentencing in El Salvador (CICIS).

During a face-to-face interview with Delcado, he revealed that he was already reviewing CICIES ‘activities. Naib Bukhale has uncovered at least 12 cases of corruption among government officials.

“Reconsideration of those agreements knowing their purpose and powers. CICIES may continue its work, but the prosecutor’s office has a constitutional position,” Delcado stressed.

You can read: Raul Melara resigns as Attorney General and reiterates that his dismissal is unconstitutional

CICIES “is going to help them, or if they are going to be an obstacle, it is up to them to evaluate their actions,” he added.

When asked about the dismissal of former Attorney General Raul Melara, who has now resigned, and the removal of judges from the Constituent Assembly, he said they would review the move, which was dismissed by the new legislature. Hands of the New Ideas Party, he said only.

Later, he changed his mind slightly: “I do not want to start an investigation. He did not visualize it. They know what they did. I do not see it that way because of the political decision.”

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Delcado announced that it was conducting an internal audit of the work done by Raul Melara.

Rodolfo Delgado was elected by the new legislature amid a process that is inconsistent with those enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic, to complete the term of Raல்l Melara, which ends on January 5, 2022.

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El Salvador’s former attorney general Melara and former magistrate Roomina Marina Marenko de Toronto released their resignation letters on Sunday, pointing out that the referendum held by the legislature for his removal was “unconstitutional.”

Melara posted the letter through her social networks, while Marenko’s various social media posts.

Marenko joins former magistrate Aldo Coder, who resigned “for a variety of personal and family reasons.”

The new legislature, which took office on Saturday with a high official majority, will have the first decision to dismiss the private and alternative judges of the Supreme Court (CSJ) and Melara’s constitutional chamber.

Pro-government representatives, who added 64 votes out of 84, accused the judges of “cheating the constitution” and the administrator’s correct actions in dealing with the epidemic. Melara who has a relationship with the opposition.

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After hearing his dismissal, the Constitutional Court declared the vote against him unconstitutional, which various lawyers consider canceling the vote.

“I reject all the allegations I have made because I have had a long legal career in which I have proven my honesty and ability,” Melara said in her statement.

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He further added that the referendum on his dismissal was “completely unconstitutional due to lack of legal basis and due process”.

He denounced the process as “transparent and exempt from processing and damages my right to protection”.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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