Criticism of Daniel Ortega’s rule in Nicaragua escalates into opposition arrest of Christiana Zamoro

Journalist Christiana Zamoro Barrios, daughter of former President Violeta Barrios de Zamoro, is innocent and under house arrest in Managua (Photo: EFE / Jorge Torre)
Journalist Christiana Zamoro Barrios, daughter of former President Violeta Barrios de Zamoro, is innocent and under house arrest in Managua (Photo: EFE / Jorge Torre)

Demanded by various governments and organizations around the world Release of Christiana Zamoro, The main opponent of the regime Daniel Ortega Ann Nicaragua What He was arrested Wednesday After a Managua court issues an indictment and an arrest warrant “The ideological lie of real competition with the crimes of mismanagement, money, property and property fraud”.

Faced Zamoro’s house arrest, That is why it is not possible to stand in the general election of his country It’s a favorite, according to opinion polls, “France strongly condemns actions that are inconsistent with the electoral process, free, honest and transparent.”, Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian of Emmanuel Macron’s government pointed to the official note released this Friday.

The text added to it France is demanding the “immediate release of Christiana Zamoro” and the restoration of her civil rights. “These decisions are part of a deteriorating climate after various measures taken since the end of 2020.” Against political pluralism and press freedom in the Central American country, the statement said.

File photo of French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris (Photo: REUTERS)
File photo of French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris (Photo: REUTERS)

For its part, the Spanish government has stated itsAnxiety“For arresting and disqualifying Zamoro for the November presidential election,Continued harassment of journalists and the independent media”In a Central American country.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Serious events and current political dynamics reduce the space for dialogue and coexistence in Nicaragua and jeopardize the democratic legitimacy of general elections”.

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Therefore, these activities “They must be replaced, put an immediate end to the retention of Ms Zamoro and her home, as well as guarantee the free exercise of the fundamental rights of all citizens and social and political actors.”.

Christiana Zamoro (Photo: EFE / George Torres)
Christiana Zamoro (Photo: EFE / George Torres)

On the other hand, The Hemispheric Front for Freedom (FHL), made up of politicians, NGOs, former diplomats and academics from 15 countries, This Friday added to the international outcry over the house arrest and disqualification from the Nicaraguan opposition public office.

FHL did a Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has called on all democratic forces on the continent to reject “this rude and arbitrary political manipulation” of “already seeking to extend his long term in office.”

The organization pointed out “Oppression e Disrespect“The Ordega regime wants to prevent the opposition from running in the next presidential election in Central America.

Nicaragua “shouts in support of unity and international pressure to help hold free and democratic elections”, A group formed at a meeting in Miami (USA) this year underlined the FHL “Educate and educate the people of Latin America who are in danger of losing their freedoms and democracy”. It called on “organizations that want freedom and democracy to raise their voices and reject the dictatorial machinations of the Daniel Ortega regime.”

Daniel Ortega (Photo: EFE / Jorge Torres)
Daniel Ortega (Photo: EFE / Jorge Torres)

Many countries have urged the Nicaraguan regime to release Chamorro Parios. Who was disqualified from public office on Wednesday with precautionary measures requested by the prosecutor’s office.

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Also in Nicaragua, the opposition candidate for the presidency Felix Maradiga Supreme Election Council (CSE)Since he is already doing so with Christiana Zamoro, he wants to remove from the election process any candidate who has the broad popular support. This cowardly act will no longer prevent a real election contest and no opposition party should be recognized as legitimate. ”

Candidate Arturo Cruz, Former ambassador to the Santinista government Daniel Ortega (2007-2009) and CSE. One of the activists, who met all the requirements requested, in turn said: “If the dance of barriers continues, and we are without other candidates, the logical thing is that this server will not participate in that (election) process.”

Ortega, who ruled from 2007 between 1979 and 1990, The 42-year full-fledged first in Nicaraguan politics will take place next November.

The Organization of American States (OAS) has warned of that Nicaragua goes to “worst elections”, When a qualification The “new attack on democracy” is the disqualification of Chamorro Perios because it “makes the existence of free, fair and transparent elections still impossible”.

With information from AFP and EFE

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Eden Hayes

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