A moving photo posted by Gabrielle Soto after announcing her split

After weeks of not posting anything on his Instagram wall, Gabriel Soto It's back with a picture that says it all.

This photo comes shortly after she announced her split Irina Beva Through their stories on this platform.

“With this message, it is with deep respect and affection that we have made the decision to end our relationship after many years of love, support and commitment. They will be years of learning and experiences for both of us, for which we will be forever grateful.”

Gabriel Soto.


We have taken this decision after months of deliberation with wisdom and maturity; We appreciate in advance that you have allowed this situation to proceed with discretion and respect.. He finished.

After the separation was announced, the wave of messages of affection and support was unstoppable, especially from his fan pages, who created dedicated letters and songs and sent him a huge virtual hug.

One of them is so special that Gabriel echoed the publication and shared it on his profile. It was a beautiful photo of her with her two daughters. Elise And MirandaThese and all moments are its two fundamental pillars.

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One heart is enough to describe what this snapshot represents. In these moments of sadness and at the end of a phase, they are always there, their beacon and reason to live.

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Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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