Adamari Lopez Over the years, she has shown that she is the first quality Puerto Rican actress and television presenter, so her popularity is growing daily in various parts of the continent. In addition, the beautiful Latina confirmed her excellent acting skills after participating in several soap operas. On Mexico Thanks to Soap Opera “Friends and Rivals” 2001.
Currently, she is a judge on the beautiful Puerto Rican reality show “This is how you dance” It is expressed by the signal Telemundo. Famous Latina there offers a variety of assistance to participants. A week ago அடமாரி She was one of the heroines of the competition’s debut after weeping while watching the Colombian dance Gregorio Bernia And your daughter Luna.
About this fact Lopez I confirm it: “My heart beats, what satisfaction you have Nila you have the opportunity to dance with your dad today. Mine is not here, he is in heaven. My dad also wanted to dance. It looks to me like your dad was looking at you. It was like my dad was looking at me.”
There is no doubt that the fame exists for the singer’s ex-wife Louis Fonseca Reflected in Social Websites Every time she posts a photo of herself, her followers immediately appreciate how beautiful she is in her 50s with thousands of likes and hundreds of comments.
This was confirmed a few hours ago, when Adamari Lopez, Shared a series of photos belonging to the new gala of the aforementioned reality show. You can see a beautiful actress with a new look, which absolutely fell in love with all her followers and shows how beautiful she is now.